Dimensions of built in dishwashers

In a modern kitchen dishwasher is no longer a luxury, but a necessary assistant. Especially if the family is large, and dirty dishes accumulate in an instant. The dishwasher, in addition to relieving the owners of the routine daily washing of dishes, allows you to save water, and it is very important.

Standard sizes of dishwashers

There are two sizes that buyers can choose from. A small dishwasher has dimensions, or more precisely, a width of 45 cm. The depth and height of this technique is standard and most often these figures are 82 and 60, respectively. But do not blindly trust written in the technical passport or instructions. It happens that in practice the overall dimensions of the unit differ from the declared ones by only a couple of millimeters, but during installation these millimeters can play a decisive role.

Before buying, you should carefully measure the place where the dishwasher will be located. It is advisable to entrust this to the master who will install the machine in its place. After that, armed with a centimeter tape, go to the store to find out the exact dimensions of the unit right up to a millimeter.

After all, the declared dimensions of built-in dishwashers can differ by 3-5 mm from real ones, and these few millimeters sometimes decide the fate of the entire kitchen set.

The full-size dishwasher measures 60x55x82, where the first digit is the width, the second is the depth and the last is the height. It is suitable for families, the number of households in which more than five people. Some models are designed for 15 sets of dirty dishes.

Before you buy an embedded technique, you should consider where it will be located. Ideal - when new furniture is adjusted to the size of the built-in equipment. If the kitchen is not changed yet, then for the dishwasher a place is taken in an empty cupboard with swing doors, suitable in size.

Minimum dimensions of the dishwasher

Among the townsfolk, far from home appliances, there is a kind of legend that there is a dishwasher, the dimensions (width) of which do not exceed 30 cm. In fact, it is pointless to look for such on sale - it never existed and is unlikely to appear in the near future, at the moment it's just a myth.

But the low, about 45 cm tall machine on sale there. Some manufacturers have several similar models. It is designed for placement on a table or cabinet, but can also be built-in for sliding or swinging cabinet doors. This model for a family of 1-2 people, and is designed for only 5-6 sets of dishes.