Sign of the zodiac Virgo - woman

A woman, born under the sign of the Virgin, is beautiful, gentle, romantic, but at the same time is very practical. For all its external softness, it has a fairly strict system of values ​​and moral foundations, critical thinking and analytic abilities. Such an unusual combination of features make these women very unusual and attractive.

Characteristics of the female Virgo by the sign of the zodiac

Virgo in any endeavor seeks clarity, punctuality and responsibility, and given her critical approach, it often becomes a perfectionist. It is important for her to do any work with full dedication. Therefore, at work she is a good employee, and at home - an excellent housewife, responsible mother and wife. The only difficulty that this feature brings to Virgo is excessive demands on oneself and others, which sometimes turns into pickiness, suspiciousness, desire to indicate.

The nature of a woman born under the sign of the Virgin , is distinguished by an increased sense of beauty, and that is why they are irritated by uncultured, ill-educated, poorly educated people. As a rule, Virgo is sure that their opinion should be heard, therefore they criticize everyone around them often and with pleasure. However, to themselves they are treated with the same severity, but comments from others are perceived as a personal insult. As a protective reaction, such women choose to refuse to study public opinion. In other words, they simply ignore those who curses behind them.

It is from Dev that the most wonderful housewives get - they are always cleaned and cooked in the house - everything should be on top! They know how to receive guests and like to brag about their house, which is often covered with cute but useless figurines and souvenirs - albeit matched with taste. Often Virgo are fond of proper nutrition and alternative medicine, because to monitor health for them is also natural, how to maintain cleanliness.

The description of a woman born under the sign of the zodiac Virgo does not dispense with individual words about the natural intellectual properties of these people. They are quite wise and tactful, and in a difficult situation they can give the spouse good advice, which will not be a blow to the man's vanity. Virgo is very suspicious, and protects herself and her husband from the risk.

It is worth noting that Virgo is not jealous, but if treason reveals itself, she may fall into hysterics. However, if only the situation is not entirely hopeless, she will try to hide the family scandal from prying eyes. The Virgin herself is faithful, and having chosen her husband, she will not think about exchanging it for another. However, while she did not make the final choice, she likes flirting and masculine attention, especially since in their eyes she is very attractive.

Sign of the zodiac sign Virgo for women

The main stone that fits all the representatives of this sign is the jasper of all shades. In addition, the mineral can be chosen on the basis of the date on which the birthday was born: virgins born before September 2, excellent is aventurine, amethyst, crystal, lapis lazuli and agate. Those who are born from 3 to 11 September, are better suited jadeite, onyx, heliotrope, pearl and hairy. And the Virgos, born on September 12, suitable emerald, sapphire, pomegranate, topaz, chrysolite and diamonds.

Compatibility of zodiac signs with the Virgin-woman

Virgo is perfect for men born under the sign Cancer, Capricorn, Taurus. In any of these unions, such a woman will be able to fully unfold as a mistress, because her partners will also attract family values. A little more difficult, but still successful, can develop relationships with Scorpio and Aquarius .

Among those whom such a woman should avoid, you can list Leo, Aries, Virgo, Gemini, Sagittarius. All of them are weakly submitted to "training" and do not possess the exactness and constancy that this woman needs so much. Pisces and Libra seem to such a woman too irresponsible and frivolous, so with them in a pair she will get along very well.