Atheroma removal by laser

Atheroma (cyst) - a benign formation, arising from problems with sebaceous glands. It has a rounded shape, the dimensions can be from half a centimeter to four. Practically does not move and does not hurt. Removal of atheroma occurs in several ways: laser, with the help of surgery and radio wave. It is the first method that is considered effective and safe.

Indications for removal of atheroma by laser

The illness can practically not be manifested, which does not cause problems for a person. But still there are factors in which it is better to conduct the procedure for getting rid of education:

Treatment of atheroma by laser

To completely get rid of the problem, it is necessary to fully extract the cyst. Otherwise, the disease can appear again. The most gentle method you can safely call a laser operation. This technology is only used to treat small formations that do not have inflammation.

Advantages of laser removal:

This procedure refers to "minor surgery". Its meaning lies in the direction of the laser atheroma. As a result, the cyst cavity is destroyed, and its contents completely evaporates. Therefore, it is not necessary to perform additional cleaning after the operation. After this, the wound is treated with antiseptic and closed from getting dirt and dust. In some cases, restorative and resorptive ointments are additionally prescribed.

Contraindications to the procedure

Despite the effectiveness of the method, the removal of an atheroma by a laser on the face or head has certain contraindications. It is forbidden to use this method if in the field of an ailment there is a malignant formation or a herpetic eruption. Also, it is impossible to carry out the procedure for pregnant, nursing mothers and people with diabetes.