Growth on the finger

The finger on the finger can appear, both in the child and in the elderly person. In most cases, it does not pose a great danger to health, but it still costs to get rid of it, since some types of such formations can subsequently lead to deformation of bones.

Many patients, before contacting a doctor, try to get rid of the build-up on their own, periodically resorting to the help of sharp objects. They do not suspect that the "bump" on the skin is directly related to impairments in the bones or cartilage.

The causes of build-up

Most of the growths appear on the joints of the fingers. This is due to the accumulation in them of a salt of uric acid. This process has a name - gout. The disease can occur both on one hand and on both, the same applies to the fingers.

Cartilage growth on the finger

The causes of the appearance of cartilaginous growth on the finger of the hand, caused by gout, can be several:

Also, the disease can appear as a result of a genetic predisposition. If the most of your ancestors suffered from the disease, then you are at risk.

Bony growth on the finger

Bony growths on fingers of a hand have absolutely other nature. They represent an additional part of the bone tissue that forms on the normal bone. This phenomenon in medicine is called exophyte. The growth does not have any symptoms and is not accompanied by pain, so many people prefer not to notice it. But this is not correct, since exophyte can be both a symptom of spondylosis, and a negative consequence of osteoporosis .

Subsequently, a small growth can increase in size and cause considerable discomfort when working with hands. In addition, there is a risk of nerve pressure, which provokes bone deformation. This leads to extremely unpleasant consequences, especially in the elderly, when all diseases are felt much sharper.

Treatment of growths

Most often, treatment of excrescences is complex and includes:

Doctors often recommend using folk remedies.

Specificity of therapy is such that first of all inflammation of the built-up edge decreases and only after this treatment is prescribed. Many neglect the advice of a doctor and try to get rid of the build-up without knowing the reason for its occurrence. This is completely forbidden, because the misuse of funds can not only not give the proper effect, but also exacerbate the situation.