Acne on the shoulders - causes

Many young girls and women of mature age suffer from acne, and rashes are localized not only on the face. To get rid of the problem, it is important to find out what provokes acne on the shoulders - the reasons often consist in serious diseases of internal organs, violation of their functions.

Why does acne appear on my shoulders and what do they mean?

All the factors leading to the progression of the described pathology can be divided into internal causes and external.

The first group includes:

If acne on the shoulders appeared for one of these reasons, you must first deal with the treatment of the primary disease, and then conduct acne therapy. Rashes in such cases are not considered independent diseases, but are considered as a clinical manifestation. As a rule, after successfully curing the root cause of acne, they disappear almost completely.

External causes of acne on the shoulders

The described type of rashes are those that quickly disappear after a change in external influence.

Acne can appear due to the following factors:

  1. Excess of ultraviolet irradiation. It has a negative effect on the skin, if you take too much sunbathing and in the periods from 12 to 16 hours of the day.
  2. Reception of steroid medicines. Drugs of this series inhibit the functioning of the adrenal glands, the immune system, which prevents the normal operation of the sebaceous glands.
  3. Use of low-quality or unsuitable skin cosmetics. Preference should be given to organic remedies marked "non-medogenous."
  4. Mechanical damage , such as cuts , abrasions, wounds.
  5. Wearing clothes made of artificial materials. Synthetics prevents skin breath, causes blockage of the sebaceous glands and the formation of comedones, which can later become inflamed due to infection.
  6. Exposure to stress and lack of sleep. Insufficient amount of time for rest and psycho-emotional overload negatively affect the processes of regeneration of the epidermis, reduce local skin immunity.