Furacilin from sweating of feet

The increased sweating and as a result an unpleasant smell from feet , especially in a warm season, - a problem widespread enough. A large number of sweat glands is located on the soles of the feet, and there is a large number of microbes that feed on the dead skin cells. Increased sweating can be both a natural feature of the body, and a problem that is caused by wearing inadequate hygiene, wearing unsuitable footwear, fungal foot diseases and other causes. One of the popular, effective and yet inexpensive means for sweating feet used in home cosmetology is furacilin.

Furatsilin for legs - pluses and minuses

Furacilin (nitrofural) is an antiseptic and antimicrobial topical preparation. The drug is most often found in the form of yellow tablets intended for the preparation of a solution. Also, the drug is sold in the form of an alcohol solution, but for the preparation of funds that help get rid of the smell of perspiration on the feet, only furatsilin in tablets is used.

It should be noted that although furatsilin and is mentioned as a remedy against sweating of the feet, in fact it does not affect the sweating. But furatsilin is a strong antiseptic, which in medicine is used to wash purulent wounds, ulcers and other serious skin lesions, so it easily kills a pathogenic microflora, which leads to the disappearance of an unpleasant smell. In addition, he is able to eliminate the causes of excessive sweating , if they are caused by any inflammation or skin lesions. Thus, although with the help of furatsilina and can not do so that the feet are no longer sweating, but the main problem, which causes sweating - an unpleasant smell, will significantly decrease.

It should be remembered that the long-term use of a potent antiseptic and antimicrobial agent can adversely affect the condition of the skin's microflora. In rare cases, an allergic reaction to furatsilin and the development of dermatitis.

Foot solution for feet



Tablets pre-chop and pour a glass of warm water. In the finished solution, moisten the gauze and wrap the foot for 7-10 minutes.

The procedure is repeated once a day. Since in this concentration the solution is used to treat serious inflammation and purulent lesions, it is not desirable to use wrappings for longer than a few days. For further treatment, baths with a lower concentration of active ingredient are more suitable.

Foot baths with furatsilinom

A simple recipe



Tablets pre-chop and pour two liters of warm (40-45 ° C) water. Legs should be immersed in the bath for 10 minutes, then let them dry without wiping. The procedure is conducted daily, before the onset of a positive effect, but not more than 2 weeks.

Tray with furatsilinom turn and chamomile



Grasses mix, pour boiling water and stand on fire for 5 minutes. Decoction cool to a comfortable temperature, strain, then dissolve in it furatsilin and use for the baths according to the same scheme as in the previous case.

Such baths are especially effective in fungal skin lesions or severe bacterial infections.

Furacilin tablets can be stored for up to 5 years, but are not intended for storage in a diluted state. Solutions and broths for the bath must be prepared immediately before the procedure.