How many after giving birth?

Bloody discharge from the genital tract, or lochia, after birth is normal in all women who have experienced the joy of motherhood. Of course, they deliver a certain discomfort, but still it is part of the natural process of restoring the female body after the birth of the baby.

By the nature of these secretions, as well as their duration, one can understand whether everything is in order in the sexual system of the young mother and her body as a whole. That is why it is important for every woman to know how long it takes after giving birth, and what duration of such secretions should alert her and cause an unplanned treatment to the doctor.

How many days should it be after the birth?

The normal duration of postpartum excreta is from 6 to 8 weeks. Meanwhile, this does not mean at all that during this whole time a large amount of blood will be actively allocated from the genital tract of a woman.

In fact, lochia contain a high percentage of blood only in the first 2-3 days after the baby's birth. At this time, the secretions have a bright red color and a characteristic sweetish smell, and in them it is often possible to detect large and small blood clots and an admixture of mucus.

This situation is absolutely normal, but it can not last more than 5 days. If the excretions did not change their color and remained bright red, even after more than 120 hours had passed after the completion of the birth process, the doctor should be consulted immediately. Such a violation, most likely, indicates the diseases of the blood coagulation system, which require mandatory monitoring by the doctor and appropriate treatment.

In addition, a young mother must necessarily pay attention to how many days after childbirth krovit in total. It should be understood that the functional layer of the endometrium is normally restored for at least 40 days, and in most cases this occurs even longer. Throughout this time, spotting must be preserved, although the blood content in them gradually decreases. If the lochia suddenly stopped, although after the birth, no more than 5-6 weeks have passed, you should also consult your doctor.