Persimmon - good and harm to health and weight loss

This is a multi-berry berry, which is also called "Chinese peach", "heart apple", "winter cherry". The Celestial Empire is its homeland, but today it is cultivated in the USA, Brazil, Japan, Turkey, Azerbaijan and other countries. At the moment there are more than 500 species of berries called persimmon, the benefits and harm of which are manifold, like the composition.

Why is persimmons useful for the body?

Sweet and juicy fruit provides 25% of the daily requirement for carbohydrates and half replenishes the amount of necessary ascorbic acid. The use of persimmon for the body is priceless, because it is rich in various vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. It is included in the complex treatment of diseases of the organs of vision and respiration, digestion, urogenital organs, heart and blood vessels.

Persimmon - composition

The berry contains carotene, niacin, ascorbic acid, mineral elements - iodine, iron, manganese, magnesium, potassium, copper, acids - malic and citric, tannin, pectins, dietary fiber, antioxidants, purines, amino acids, fructose and glucose, flavonoids and others, which both determine its harm and benefit. Those who are interested in what vitamins in persimmon there are, you can answer that the B vitamins necessary to maintain the work of the nervous system. Chinese peach has a calorie content of only 62 kcal per 100 g.

Persimmon - good and bad for health

The orange color of the fruit determines the beta-carotene present in them, which improves vision and prevents eye diseases. Potassium and magnesium in the persimmon do not bring harm, but only benefit, because they improve the holding of the heart pulse, reduce the viscosity of the blood, increase the elasticity of the walls of the vessels. For the treatment of hypertension, it is recommended to pour the crushed peel of berries with milk and drink to reduce blood pressure.

The therapeutic properties of persimmons include the ability to improve blood flow and prevent the development of anemia. This berry is recommended to include in complex therapy of diseases of the thyroid gland, it will benefit with the ailments of the respiratory system and accelerate recovery in bronchitis, pneumonia, tonsillitis, etc. Its bactericidal properties have been used since ancient times to treat cystitis, pyelonephritis, intestinal and other infections.

This is such a persimmon, the benefits and harms of which are not comparable. Manganese and phosphorus in its composition support the health of bones, and the first is also a constituent of an enzyme that neutralizes the effect of free radicals. Harm can bring an immature fruit with obvious astringent properties. After its use, there is a feeling of obstruction in the esophagus. The stomach feels like stone, digestion is disturbed.

Is it possible to eat persimmon in diabetes mellitus?

Heart apple tree includes a huge amount of carbohydrates, so there is doubt as to whether it can be used for this disease. To those who ask whether it is possible for diabetics to persimmon and whether it will benefit them, it is worth saying that it is prohibited from insulin dependent, but there are exceptions. With a relative deficiency of insulin, it can be eaten strictly dosed. In type 2 diabetes, you can consume 100-200 g of berries per day. It is important to monitor the concentration of glucose in the blood.

Is it possible to eat persimmon with gastritis?

With this disease, the main cause of which is the bacterium Helicobacter, winter cherry can be used, especially if the disease is accompanied by high acidity. Thiamine in its composition will benefit that it normalizes acidity, has a bactericidal effect, improves the functioning of the intestine and increases the resistance of the body to infection. But this applies only to patients in the stage of remission. Persimmon with a gastritis in an acute form will cause harm. Its tannins will exacerbate secretory and motor functions, worsen the condition of erosive wounds.

Persimmon with pancreatitis

Pancreatitis is associated with inflammation of the pancreas. With this disease it is very important to observe a special sparing diet, which stabilizes the work of the digestive tract. In the period of remission, it can be consumed in small quantities, because persimmon for pancreas will benefit by providing a feeling of satiety for a long time, without overloading the intestines, replenish the stores of vitamins, will have an immunostimulating, bactericidal and strengthening effect.

However, in the acute stage, when the body lacks the hormone necessary for the complete assimilation of sugar, the fruit can be harmful, because the pancreas will have to work with overloads. In addition, the astringent and fixing substance of tannin can provoke constipation, and this is undesirable. Peel from the fruit must be removed and there are only fully ripened fruits - soft and brown inside.

Can I eat persimmon if I have a stomach ulcer?

In the development of this disease, the Helicobacter bacterium is also guilty, but stresses, malnutrition and the use of medicines are fraught with such unpleasant consequences. Persimmon for the stomach will benefit, but only if it is used in the healing stage of erosions and ulcers. Thus the berry should be ripe, soft and juicy. It will purify the liver, having a detoxification effect, reduce pain, will remove excess sodium salts from the body - irritants of the mucosa.

Persimmon - benefit and harm for losing weight

Due to the ability to quickly saturate the body and provide it with energy, it is often included in the composition of slimming programs. The abundance of vitamins and minerals will compensate for the lack of nutrients with a decrease in the caloric content of the diet, and fiber and pectins will improve metabolism and digestion, normalize intestinal peristalsis. Persimmon for weight loss will benefit by the fact that as a snack for a long time to reduce the feeling of hunger. And it can be used both in an unchanged form, and add to the composition of cocktails, fruit salads, etc.

Relaxing day on a persimmon

It consists in the fact that the whole day to eat only a Chinese peach, but not more than 1.5-2 kg. Moreover, in absolutely any volume you can drink mineral water without gas and plain water, tea, coffee, but not dairy drinks, otherwise you will not avoid discomfort and abdominal pain. Those who ask how correctly there is persimmon, it should be noted that it is not forbidden to eat bread or bread.

Diet on a Persimmon

There are a lot of variations of power systems with the inclusion of this berry, but in itself it can not cope with excess weight. A person needs to radically revise their diet by changing eating habits. In addition, it is necessary to increase their motor activity. For a start, it's better to walk more, do morning exercise, and then go on to strength training.

Those who are interested in how to eat persimmon fighters with excess weight, you can offer a menu with one of three options to choose from:

  1. For breakfast : fried eggs, milk porridge or muesli, filled with yogurt.
  2. Second breakfast : two persimmons.
  3. For lunch : any lean meat or fish cooked by boiling, baking or steaming. For garnish - buckwheat, rice or pasta of solid varieties. Salad from your favorite fresh vegetables.
  4. For a snack : fruit salad, which is dominated by persimmons, curd casserole with its flesh or milkshake with bran and persimmons.
  5. For dinner : seafood, stewed vegetables or soup.

It is very important to consume a lot of liquid and completely remove from the diet semi-finished products, fast food, smoked products, pickles and pastries. As already mentioned, during a period of acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, a persimmon can be harmful, so it should not be used, as it is impossible at this time to sit on tight weight loss diets. You can not starve, because then you can type even more than it was before the diet.

At what diseases it is impossible to eat persimmon?

With adhesive diseases, intestinal obstruction and propensity to constipation, its use is prohibited, especially if it is immature and has a strong astringent effect. Asking who is contraindicated persimmon, it is worth responding that individuals after surgery. You should not eat it on an empty stomach, especially with the peel. This berry does not fit well with fish and seafood, so there should be a two-hour break between their methods. With caution it is offered to children from 3 to 7 years old.

What is harmful persimmon?

First of all, it can cause allergies and individual intolerance, especially in children. Such a berry, as a persimmon, the benefits and harm described in this article, has a tart taste, which is not liked by everyone. Those who have had an operation on the intestines are prone to constipation and impenetrability from using the Chinese peach is better to refuse. Talking about how dangerous persimmon is, you can not help remembering diabetics who are constantly monitoring the concentration of glucose in the blood. Unquenchable use of it can provoke the development of hyperglycemic coma, and this is very dangerous.

Glycemic index of persimmon varies in the range of 50, and this is considered an average, so it should be dosed. To people with obesity and excess weight, it is interesting only as a source of fiber and pectins, so it's better not to bet on this berry alone, but use it with other fruits, and also vegetables. Everything is good in moderation, and this especially applies to the winter cherry.