What is useful for bread?

Today it is difficult to imagine a modern meal without bread. Use it daily, several times a day for many centuries in a row. The most surprising in this case is that bread is combined with almost any food, and its taste does not get bored year after year. Dietitians explain this by saying that the useful properties of bread can not be compared to any other food product. It is enough to look at its chemical composition:

Moreover, the bread contains a very rare mineral - selenium, responsible for protecting our immune system. And the ratio of proteins and carbohydrates can provide the body with energy and a sense of satiety for a long time. Scientists also argue that the inclusion of bread in the daily diet helps protect a person from stress, fatigue and even depression. This is due to the high content of B vitamins responsible for the nervous system.

Despite such a rich composition, recently there is an opinion in society that nothing but harm brings bread. And every woman, discovering in herself extra pounds, first of all to aspire to refuse precisely from baking. However, nutrition experts say that such a belief is only half true. Indeed, not all bread is equally useful. With all its diversity on the shelves of supermarkets, you need to be able to choose exactly the one that best influences our body.

What kind of bread is useful?

The main ingredient of bread is wheat grain. It is in its shell contains a storehouse of useful substances. Unfortunately, in the modern process of processing wheat, its most valuable part falls into waste. The output is a white flour, rich in starch and empty calories. From the former use of grain, at best, remains a third. Buns from such flour turn out white, magnificent, pleasant on taste and aroma. As a result, it is the use of "white" bread from the "higher grade" flour that leads to the development of diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, as well as the appearance of excess weight.

In order to avoid these troubles, give preference to products prepared with the addition of whole grains or rye flour. They have much more useful substances, vitamins and fiber. "Gray" bread is absorbed more slowly, thus, contributing to the maintenance of a harmonious figure and excellent health.

Useful bread with your own hands

Of course, really useful can be called bread, cooked by own hands. In this case, you will be sure that there are no impurities and no harmful substances in the finished product. In addition, the recipe for homemade bread can be varied and modified, adding to it new ingredients: bran , cereals, seeds and much more. Producers of household appliances in a wide range offer compact bakery, which allows not only to bake, but also to knead the dough. But if there is no such possibility to buy or put in the kitchen, a standard oven will do. The most important thing is to approach the process with the soul, then your bread will necessarily turn out to be soft, useful and very tasty.

A simple recipe for homemade unleavened bread



Flour, salt and soda should be sieved through a sieve, then pour kefir and mix the dough with your hands. If desired, you can add sesame seeds or pumpkin seeds. Form for bread is preferably pre-sprinkled with flour, after which it can spread the dough. Such bread is baked for 40 minutes in the oven, heated to 200 degrees. Ready bread wrapped in a clean towel before cooling, and then served on the table.