How many calories are in beer?

Of all alcoholic beverages, beer is particularly popular - it is an easy, low-alcoholic drink that perfectly quenches thirst on hot summer days. But it's no secret to anyone how many figures have spoiled the addiction to this drink: as a rule, frequent use of beer leads to the appearance of a dense fat fold in the abdominal region, which is rather difficult to clean. This is due to increased caloric content of beer and snacks to it. From this article you will learn how many calories in beer and why it is dangerous for the figure.

How many calories are in the unfiltered beer?

Natural beer, which can only be purchased at a brewery or ordered in an expensive restaurant, does not undergo filtration and pasteurization. Typically, it contains about 39 calories (of course, this is if it is light). Thus, one standard serving in 500 g will have 195 kcal. This is the average. Bottled and canned beer, as a rule, is more caloric.

How many calories in a light beer?

Light beer is divided into many different varieties and is the most popular kind of this drink. It is obtained by fermentation of malt with the addition of hops and yeast, which determines its high caloric content .

In traditional varieties of light beer, as a rule, 42-43 kcal per 100 grams. Yes, this figure does not look scary. But if you consider that one standard "portion" of beer is 500 g, then in one glass there are 215 calories. And if you drink at least 2 glasses - it's almost a third of your daily calorie intake.

Calories in dark beer

Dark beer, as a rule, is much stronger and caloric than light - in it from 50 to 65 kcal per 100 grams. That is a half-liter mug of a strong drink will give the body at best 250, or even 325 calories. And then multiply by the number of mugs that you can afford.

How many calories are in nonalcoholic beer?

Of all the variants of beer, the most permissible is that which does not contain alcohol. It usually ranges from 26 to 33 calories per 100 grams, that is, in a standard jar, bottle or mug - from 130 to 165 calories. If you are going to a friendly company during the diet to "not break away from the team," you can afford a small portion of this drink.

It follows that the number of calories in beer directly depends on its strength. Choosing a non-alcoholic option, you not only relieve your body of the painful withdrawal of toxins from the liver afterwards, but perfectly keep your figure. Why does the use of excess weight?

Explanations to why the use of beer even with a small periodicity leads to a set of weight, quite a lot, and they are all simple and logical:

  1. During the feast a person can imperceptibly drink 3-5 or even more glasses of beer. Such an amount can contain a daily calorie rate for a person, and the excess body immediately begins to store in the form of fat deposits.
  2. The main source of caloric content in beer is carbohydrates, namely they are recommended to limit in the diet of nutritionists, to maintain and maintain a normal weight.
  3. All traditional snacks for beer, whether jerky, fish, chips, nuts or crackers, are incredibly caloric.
  4. With the use of alcohol, self-control is dulled and appetite is inevitably played out, which makes it possible for any person to overeat.
  5. Systematic use of beer (1 or more times a week) leads to disruption of normal metabolism and hormonal system due to the presence of phyto-estrogens (natural substitute of female sex hormones) in the composition.

Knowing how many calories in beer, limit its use to protect your figure from difficultly reversible changes.