Simple, effective diet for a week

Many, wanting to get rid of a few extra pounds, begin to choose for themselves a simple, but effective diet. To date, there are a huge number of techniques that affect each person differently, because everything depends on the characteristics of the body. We offer a few simple and common methods.

Simple kefir diet for a week

One of the most popular options, but this diet is very strict and can not withstand all. The basis of the diet is 1.5 liters of low-fat kefir. Just do not take a drink with zero fatness. Some days, additional products are also used to maintain a normal state of health. The menu is a simple and effective diet for a week, very modest:

During this time, you can lose from 3-5 kg, it all depends on the initial weight.

The most simple and effective buckwheat diet

Buckwheat - a useful cereal, which quickly satiates and allows you to maintain a sense of satiety for a long time. In addition, it helps to cleanse the body of harmful substances. Buckwheat porridge can be cooked in different ways, but it is best to steal it for the night. In a day you can eat an unlimited amount of porridge, most importantly, do not feel hunger. In addition, a day allowed to drink 1 liter of kefir, which can still be mixed with porridge. It is important to drink at least 2 liters of water a day.

Efficient and Simple Vegetarian Diet for a Week

Food on fruits and vegetables is not strict, and you will not have to suffer from hunger. For each day their own rules:

  1. Monday is a fruity day. It is allowed to eat any fruits except bananas, which are very high in calories. Be sure to include in the menu grapefruit, which improves digestion and promotes fat burning. Are useful for weight loss apples containing pectins, which are important for the proper functioning of the digestive tract. The daily diet should be approximately the same: four apples and grapefruit, watermelon and two pomegranates. It is forbidden to drink fruit juices.
  2. Tuesday is a vegetable day. You are allowed to eat not only raw vegetables from which different salads and snacks are prepared, but also boiled, which means that soups, mashed potatoes and other dishes are also allowed. As a dressing, you can use only salt, pepper and lemon juice.
  3. Wednesday is a fruit and vegetable day. This is a mix of the diet of Monday and Tuesday. Remember that ban is bananas, as well as abandon the potato, which contains a lot of starch, and it is harmful to the figure.
  4. Thursday is banana-milk. It is believed that this is the most productive day. The menu includes: eight bananas, 3 tbsp. low-fat milk and a bowl of vegetable soup.
  5. Friday. On that day I already beckon more diversely, which allows you to satiate the body. Eat a small portion of boiled rice and vegetable salad, six tomatoes, two apples, 0.5 tbsp. Low-fat milk, orange and grapefruit .
  6. Saturday - rice with vegetables. The allowed products can be eaten individually or mixed, for example, you can eat rice and vegetable salad or rice with boiled vegetables. Remember that a serving of cereal should not be large.
  7. Sunday is a fruit and vegetable day. In the last 24 hours it is necessary to drink juices made from vegetables and fruits. The most preferred is the juice from oranges or grapes. In addition, you can eat a salad of vegetables and soup.