Salad with red caviar

In today's selection we offer recipes for salads with red caviar.

Layered salad "Pearl" with red caviar



We boil the eggs, separate the proteins from the yolks and rub them separately. Salmon is finely chopped, cheese is rubbed on a fine grater, olives are cut into slices, and orange is cut into slices. Then lay the salad layers: in the first layer put half the proteins mixed with mayonnaise, then grated yolks, then half the salmon with mayonnaise, then a layer of olives and again salmon. The next layer is a grated cheese with mayonnaise, then an orange. On top lay out the remaining proteins, mixed with mayonnaise and lay eggs. Put the salad in the fridge and let it brew for a couple of hours.

Salad with shrimps and caviar



Cook friable rice, chill and mix with caviar (caviar should be left a little to serve the salad). Add mayonnaise and lemon juice. We boil the shrimps, cut the cucumbers with straws, lettuce leaves and dry it. Salad immediately put in the dish, which will serve on the table. The bottom layer - lettuce leaves, sprinkled with lemon juice. Then rice with caviar, sliced ​​cucumbers, then shrimp, greased with mayonnaise. The top layer is chopped eggs.

"Tsarsky" salad

There are quite a few varieties of this salad, there are recipes with chicken, shrimps, and this recipe of royal salad - with caviar and squid.



Boil squid in boiling water for no more than 5 minutes. Cool and clean. Boiled chicken eggs are divided into yolks and proteins (yolks in this salad are not needed). Protein, boiled potatoes, crab sticks, cheese rubbed on a large grater. We cut the squid with straws. Salad we put in a salad bowl: potatoes, topped with mayonnaise, a little caviar. Then squid, mayonnaise, a little caviar. The third layer - proteins, mayonnaise, caviar. The fourth layer is crab sticks, mayonnaise. The top layer is cheese, from above we make a net from mayonnaise. We salad caviar and greens.

"Starfish" salad with caviar



Boiled hard-boiled eggs cut with straw, crab sticks, too, cut into strips. Salad we lay out on a dish in the form of a sea star in layers: 1 - eggs, 2 - sea kale, 3 - crab sticks, 4 - eggs, 5 - sea kale, 6 - crab sticks. Between layers we cover with mayonnaise, we spread caviar from above.

Salad "Sunflower" with caviar



All the ingredients, except for caviar, are finely chopped, mixed, salted, dressed with mayonnaise. We lay out on a dish in the form of a sunflower, using chips as petals. From above on the core of the flower lay out the red caviar , decorate with greens.

Salad with salmon and caviar



We boiled the boiled eggs into cubes, cut the salmon into thin strips. Onion and parsley finely chopped. Mix the chopped products with pre-cooked and chilled rice . Season with mayonnaise and let it cool down a bit. We lay out the salad bowl with lettuce leaves, shift the salad with a slide to the leaves, lay out the red caviar on top, decorate with greens.