Phosphogliv or Essentiale - which is better?

Hepatoprotectors - a separate group of drugs, which people learn about in exceptional cases. Representatives of this group are intended for treatment and recovery of liver cells. They are prescribed for various diseases.

There are many known hepatoprotectors. Each of the medicines is good in its own way, and therefore say that it is better - Phosphogliv, Essentiale , Silibor or, say, Hepafor, it is rather difficult. The principle of action of all hepatoprotectors is practically the same. And yet some features distinguish one medicine from another.

What is more effective - Essentiale or Phosphogliv?

Essentiale and Phosphogliv - a pair of the most popular modern hepatoprotectors. It is their specialists who are appointed most often. Both preparations are based on a mixture of plant-derived phospholipids extracted from soybeans. Correctly selected composition helps to restore and protect the liver. In this case, both Phosphogliv and Essentiale can act as effective immunomodulators. All, without exception, hepatoprotector drugs prevent the destruction of hepatocytes - liver cells - and prevent the proliferation of connective tissues in the organ.

The main indications for the use of Phosphogliva or Essentiale are as follows:

Many experts recommend drinking hepatoprotectors for patients undergoing treatment with zistothics and certain types of antibiotics.

Sometimes drugs are prescribed for dermatological diseases. In particular, Phosphoglivum promotes the regeneration of skin cells and the elimination of inflammatory processes in them.

The duration of treatment with Phosphoglyte forte or Essentiale can be different. Some patients have only one course, while others are forced to take hepatoprotectors throughout life. Everything depends on the general health of the patient, the form of the disease, its stage.

The difference between Essentiale Fort and Phosphogliva is in auxiliary substances. In addition to phospholipids, glycyrrhizic acid is included in Phosphoglivin. The chemical structure of the latter makes it similar to the hormones of the adrenal cortex. For this reason, too large doses of Phosphogliva can lead to quite serious side effects. And this fact must be taken into account.

Even the most detailed comparative characteristic of an unambiguous answer to the question of which is better - Phosphogliv or Essentiale forte, will not. Preparations adequately replace each other. The only recommendation is to give priority to Essential when treatment requires a large amount of phospholipids.

Phosphogliv or Essentiale - what is better with hepatitis?

The selection of drugs for hepatitis should be very thorough. And even considering this, it is difficult to make a choice for one or the other drug. The fact is that one patient fosfogliv fits perfectly. Medication inhibits the development of fibrosis and enhances the effect of antiviral drugs. While other patients with hepatitis of the action of Phosphogliva do not feel at all on themselves, but after Essentiale their well-being significantly improves.

The problem is that there are many varieties of hepatitis. And in different organisms each of them develops uniquely. It is possible that one patient can go and Phosphogliv, and Essentiale, and another will have to sort out all sorts of analogs of drugs. Therefore, it is possible to choose suitable medicines only after a detailed examination.