Cork in tonsils

Often, a companion of chronic pain in the throat are corks in the tonsils - white, cottage cheese-like spots. Today we will talk about their nature, the causes of appearance and methods of getting rid of such formations.

Why do the corpuscles form in the tonsils?

Tonsils are an organ penetrated with depressions (lacunae) in which microbes trapped with food and air are retained and subsequently destroyed. White plugs in the lacunae of the tonsils are accumulations of leukocytes, killed in the fight against bacteria. A healthy organism is easily cleared of dead leukocytes, but if the immune function of the tonsils is weakened, which, as a rule, happens in chronic tonsillitis, the lacuna begins to be clogged by purulent formations .

Why are jams dangerous?

In the throat, the flow of blood and lymph is increased, so white plugs on the tonsils cause a general intoxication of the body and a prerequisite for the development of rheumatic diseases, pneumonia, otitis , etc. Therefore, having found out at survey of a throat before a mirror a white stain, it is necessary to address at once to ENT-doctor. He diagnoses most likely chronic tonsillitis and prescribes treatment.

Treatment of congestion in tonsils

Therapy begins with the removal of ulcers by one of two methods:

  1. Manual - the doctor flushes the tonsils with an antibacterial solution, typed in a long syringe with a special tube. This obsolete method is traumatically dangerous and not particularly effective, because it is not possible to deeply clean lacunae. Nevertheless, in some clinics manual removal of corks from the tonsils is still practiced.
  2. Hardware - after local anesthesia on the tonsils, attach a special device (vacuum suction) that widens the lacunae and extracts their contents. Then the tonsils are washed with antibacterial drugs, sea salt, herbal decoctions.

In general, therapy for chronic tonsillitis involves taking penicillin antibiotics for a week. The doctor appoints a diet with a high content of vitamins C, B, as well as abundant drinking. If the treatment did not work, consider the removal of the tonsils surgically.

Can I remove the cork myself?

In chronic tonsillitis caseous plugs from palatine tonsils can not be removed independently: manual manipulations, as already mentioned above, do not guarantee the complete extraction of pus. Gargling with throat antiseptics (furatsilinom, soda, decoction of chamomile) will not harm, but will not get rid of traffic jams - only the ENT can help.