Lactic acid in muscles

Every person is familiar with the feeling of pain in the muscles after increased physical activity, training. The reason for this is the excessive accumulation of lactic acid in the muscles. Sometimes, in people with a passive lifestyle, lactic acid production can occur even after long walks, swimming, etc.

The process of formation of lactic acid

Glucose is the main source of energy for the brain and nervous system and when it is split, lactic acid forms. In addition, during physical exertion, splitting, glucose supplies the muscles with the necessary energy.

For some time it was believed that the accumulation of lactic acid in muscles occurs as a result of muscle oxygen hunger. But more recent studies have shown that muscle pain causes excess production of lactic acid over its excretion. As the level of exercise increases, muscle tissue begins to metabolize lactate more actively.

Symptoms of lactic acid in the muscles

The main symptom of increasing the level of lactic acid in muscles is pain. It can manifest itself directly during training - in this case you feel a burning sensation in that group of muscles that has undergone direct loading. Sometimes the pain can occur a little later and persist for 1-2 days. Muscle pain can be accompanied by weakness, general discomfort. In especially severe cases, it is possible to increase body temperature. The maximum period of excretion of lactic acid from the muscles is 48-72 hours. If during this time the pain in the muscles did not decrease, then this can be a sign of getting muscle microtraumas.

Treatment and prevention

In order for physical training to be fun, and neutralization of lactic acid in the muscles occurred in a timely manner, you must follow certain rules:

  1. Before the start of exercises, you should always warm up the muscles with cardio equipment (treadmill, bicycle, ellipsoid, etc.).
  2. The basic training program should be compiled by a professional trainer, taking into account individual opportunities and general conditions.
  3. In the absence of a coach, use the method of approaches (intensive exercise is replaced by a 30-second rest).
  4. After an active phase, devote 10-15 minutes to anaerobic loads.
  5. The final stage should be stretching - this will help relax the tense muscles.

Treatment of excess lactic acid in the muscles is to remove it from the body. For this, warming procedures are applied:

When hiking in a bath or not chasing after a lot of time spent in the steam room. In order to remove lactic acid from the muscles, alternate 10 minutes in a steam room with the same time of rest. A total of 2-3 calls may be required. At the end of the visit, take a cool shower and put on clothes that keep heat well.

If there is no possibility to visit the bath, then after a workout, you should take a bath. The water for it should be hot enough. The time spent in it is no more than 10 minutes to the waist (without affecting the heart area). After that, take a cool shower. If there is time and opportunity, then such repetitions can be done several.

An abundant drink in the form of fruit drinks, green tea, herbal decoctions, too, will help relieve muscle pain due to lactic acid. And recent Studies have found in the watermelon the substance of citrulline, which stimulates the expansion of blood vessels, which helps the athletes in the rapid recovery after the loads.

After consulting with a doctor, to enhance physical endurance, it is possible to use actoprotective medicines: