Alzheimer's disease - how not to miss the onset of the disease?

Neurodegenerative disease, first described and studied in detail by the German psychiatrist A. Alzheimer in the early 20th century, is a common form of dementia (dementia), which is more vulnerable to the female half of the population in old age. In rare cases, Alzheimer's disease is diagnosed in young people.

Alzheimer's disease - the causes of

Senile dementia of the Alzheimer's type, as they still call the pathology under consideration, develops according to mechanisms not yet clarified. The most reliable theory of the origin of the disease, according to most experts, is the amyloid hypothesis. According to her, Alzheimer's cause of Alzheimer's disease is associated with deposition in the brain tissues of beta-amyloid - a fragment of protein that performs protective and trophic functions in the body. As a result, insoluble plaques and neurofibrillary tangles are formed, which provoke the death of brain structures.

Scientists believe that Alzheimer's disease is a multifactorial disease, in the development of which genetic defects are not excluded. Recent studies have revealed three genes, the deviations of which are capable of provoking the disease. In addition, there are a number of factors that can make a difference in the initiation of pathological processes. These include:

Alzheimer's disease - symptoms and signs

The disease is slowly progressing, and over time the intensity and number of its manifestations are increasing. Initial signs are often perceived for the usual age manifestations, the effects of stress, fatigue, and therefore in many cases ignored. Further, Alzheimer's disease symptoms become more obvious, disrupting the daily life not only of the patients themselves, but also of surrounding loved ones.

Alzheimer's disease - age

The debut signs of Alzheimer's disease often become apparent over the age of 65, although the first degenerative disorders in the structures of the brain occur 10-15 years before. Recently there has been a tendency of "rejuvenation" of pathology, which is diagnosed in people aged 45 years. In the presence of genetic abnormalities, Alzheimer's disease can develop in an even earlier age, characterized by a similar clinical picture.

Stages of Alzheimer's Disease

Alzheimer's senile dementia, the symptoms of which progress with time, are classified according to the severity of the disorders in four stages. Let's consider them in more detail:

1. The first stage is a pre-condition, expressed in the following manifestations:

2. The second stage is early dementia, in which changes in the patient's behavior become more pronounced for others. The following signs are noted:

3. The third is the stage of moderate dementia, characterized by significant cognitive impairment and the appearance of other pathological symptoms:

4. The last stage - Alzheimer's disease - forces patients to be completely dependent on external help, because almost all skills of self-service are lost. The clinical picture includes:

Alzheimer's disease - life expectancy

At this stage in the development of medical science, the disease is considered incurable. When someone from loved ones is affected by Alzheimer's disease, the last stage, how many live with it, excites many people. It is worthwhile to understand that in case of severe dementia the life of patients is largely determined by the quality of care for them. Often, when the last stage of the disease is observed, live no more than a year, with good care - more. In this case, death does not occur because of Alzheimer's disease itself, but because of complications related to immobilization - pneumonia, pressure sores, thrombosis, etc.

Alzheimer's disease - treatment

If in the old age to recognize the disease for a specialist is easy in the study of anamnesis and the detection of characteristic neurological and neuropsychological signs, early Alzheimer's disease is diagnosed more complexly. For the proper diagnosis, special neurological tests and instrumental studies are prescribed:

Since it is not yet possible to cure pathology, therapy is aimed at alleviating the course, some slowing down of progression and improving the patient's quality of life, psychosocial techniques play an important role. The latter include:

When caring for the patient should follow the following recommendations:

Alzheimer's disease - treatment (drugs)

Patients diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease may receive the following medicines for treatment:

Treatment of Alzheimer's disease folk remedies

Alzheimer's disease, treatment at home which is carried out according to the schemes prescribed by a doctor, does not exclude the use of folk techniques to facilitate the flow. So, many patients can be recommended funds that improve blood flow, nutrition of the brain, boosting the tone of the body:

New in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease

Treatment of Alzheimer's disease at an early stage is the key to stopping its rapid progression and prolonging the life of the patient. Scientists continue to search for effective therapeutic techniques, and one of the foremost at this time can be called:

Prevention of Alzheimer's Disease

There are no methods that can prevent Alzheimer's in women, but adherence to a healthy lifestyle can significantly reduce the risk of this disease. The main recommendations are as follows:

Test for Alzheimer's Disease

A large number of diagnostic tests have been developed, thanks to which senile dementia can be detected at the initial stages. Many of them can be carried out at home. For example, you can ask a person to draw a dial on the paper with a dial of a clock whose hands indicate a certain time. On the problems in the functioning of the brain says the impossibility of the correct performance of this task, the assumption of errors (disconnection of the dial and numbers, errors in the location of the arrows, etc.). Check your loved ones for a predilection for the disease, offering them a few simple tasks.

Test number 1 (checking memory and abstract thinking):

  1. Within one minute, list the ten names beginning with the letter "A" or "B".
  2. Within a minute, call ten pets.
  3. Read the encrypted text:

94НН03 С006Щ3НN3 П0К4ЗЫ8437, К4КN3 У9N8N73ЛЬНЫ3 83ЩN М0Ж37 93Л47Ь Н4Ш Р4ЗУМ!

8П3Ч47ЛЯЮЩН3 83ЩN!

CH4H4L4 E70 6ND0 7RU9H0, H0 S3YCH4S H4 E70Y S7R0K3 84H P4ZUM CHN7437 E70 4870M47NCH3SCN, H3 Z49UMY84YA 06 E70M. T0P9NCb.

Test number 2 (checking the functioning of the olfactory nerve):

  1. Prepare a jar of peanut butter (its aroma is familiar to everyone) and a ruler.
  2. The subject should close his eyes and mouth.
  3. Bring oil to his left nostril at a distance of 23 cm.
  4. Sniffing, the tested must determine the product.