Russian folk signs

The life of our ancestors in Russia from time immemorial acquired signs, superstitions and beliefs that appeared when observing the surrounding nature, weather, plants and animals. We still continue to believe in some of them, instinctively spitting across the left shoulder, when a black cat runs across the road and knocks on the tree so as not to jinx it. And what Russian folk features existed yet?

Signs that promised evil

To Russian folk signs and beliefs, which promised misfortune, include the loss of a glove, a broken mirror, a hollow in a log and the croaking of jackdaws and crows sitting in front of the house in the early morning. If you sing in the forest and at the same time see the crow, you need to prepare for a meeting with the wolf. If a raven croaks while sitting on a church , then to be a deceased in the village, and if he chooses a particular house for this, it is from his doors that he will render the body. The icon also falls to the deceased, but for those who do not want to prepare themselves for an intercession, one should never plant a willow.

Russian people's signs about the weather

Swallows fly low to the rain. In fact, this sign is easy to explain: in moist air insects have wings heavier, so that the birds need to drop lower to catch them. If the mosquito swells with a pillar - the day will be clear and sunny, but if the night dew does not dry out, then it's a thunderstorm. A large harvest of mountain ash predicts a cold winter, like a fleeting fall leaf fall. If in the early spring lightning flashes without the thunder of thunder, then it is worth waiting for the dry summer, just as when there are a lot of bugs. Migratory birds, not hurrying to leave their native places, promise a late arrival of winter, and with rare clouds it is necessary to wait for clear and cold weather.

Russian folk tales about trees and plants

If the firs raise their paws upwards, and the scales of the cones closely adjoin each other, then it should be raining. About this same "tell" drooping white flowers meadow core and celandine. The abundance of birch sap promises a rainy summer, but about the imminent cessation of bad weather, they say closed petals of hare cabbage in the evening. Before the storm, the red clover vertically draws its stem, but the violet before the storm tries to be as close to the ground as possible. To the common Russian folk signs is this: "The lily closes - to the rain."

Russian folk customs, rites and superstitions have always existed, and today with their help we can predict events with some accuracy, therefore they definitely have the right to exist.