Carbuncle - treatment urgently

Carbuncle is a purulent necrotic inflammation of the epidermis or subcutaneous tissue. The disease affects the hair follicles and sebaceous glands, and its causative agent is the infection of staphylococcus . People who are not related to medicine, can confuse this problem with an abscess or boil.

Carbuncle - causes

Inflammation begins with an abscess, which is bordered by a strong reddening of the skin. The spread of infection and intoxication of the body are the main danger of the disease, like carbuncle, the reasons for its occurrence may be different. They are related:

Carbuncle can cause:

Another purulent inflammation appears after:

Carbuncle - Symptoms

The disease begins with the appearance of dense internal nodules, which gradually merge together and form a globular shape. Its size can exceed the baby's palm. Carbuncle acquires a crimson color, becomes hot, and the skin around swells. The process affects the deep layers of tissues and causes:

If a person has an anthrax carbuncle, the ulcers will affect all areas of the skin that do not cover the clothes. Its distinguishing feature are the following symptoms:

What does carbuncle look like?

Many people are interested in questions about carbuncle itself, photo, how the inflamed zone looks and what to do with it. Approximately one week after the onset of the disease, the focus heavily swells and becomes more painful. On the 12th day, white pustules appear that look like a cork. After opening, a necrotic mass with pus of different colors and an admixture of blood is released. Further ulcers with open edges and a gray bottom are formed.

The surface of necrosis resembles its sieve forms, and then it can blacken. Dead particles of the epidermis penetrate deeply into the internal cells of the body and reach its muscle layer. Over time, the cavity on the skin will be filled with a granulation tissue, and a coarse scar appears on the site of the ulcer, which firmly "solder" the surrounding tissues among themselves.

Carbuncle - treatment at home

Treatment of carbuncle at the infiltration stage can be done independently at home, but after visiting the doctor and his recommendations. If the disease proceeds without deterioration, then the patient is prescribed a general therapeutic course of medicines:

In case of complication of such inflammation as carbuncle, the treatment provides for:

During treatment of the carbuncle, the surface of the inflamed skin is treated with:

Treatment of carbuncle with antibiotics

Answering the question about what antibiotics in the treatment of carbuncle should be used, it should be said that you need to choose combined preparations. The main indicators for their appointment are reduced immunity, while the dose is recommended large. The most popular medicines are:

Carbuncle - treatment, ointment

During therapy it is important to know which effective ointment from the carbuncle will help ease the course of the disease. It is applied to the affected areas of the skin until complete healing. Drugs should stimulate the rejection of dead and non-viable cells. The best means are:

Carbuncle - folk remedies

Self-medication at home can be done when the disease has an easy form, and the affected area does not cause severe pain. Carbuncle on the face can cause a lot of inconvenience, so to reduce edema and relieve inflammation, apply a variety of folk remedies:

  1. Leaves of mallow, sweet clover and chamomile flowers pour boiling water and let it brew for 15-20 minutes. After that, curative herb wrapped in gauze and attach to the carbuncle for half an hour.
  2. Garlic compress will help to stop the developing carbuncle - the treatment will accelerate. Pass the garlic through the press, and then from the gruel make a compress, which needs to be kept for about an hour.
  3. Fresh leaves of plantain or aloe (to choose) must be crushed and wrapped in gauze. To compress the compress on the affected area for several hours.
  4. In 1 liter of warm water add a tablespoon of salt. Dampen the bandage in the solution and apply it to the affected area.

Carbuncle removal

If the inflammatory process has passed to the stage of necrosis, then it will be necessary to consult a doctor. Surgical treatment of carbuncle involves a small operation, which is carried out under local anesthesia.

  1. The affected area is opened crosswise, taking into account all layers of tissues impregnated with pus and wounds with dead cells. In this case, the general intoxication is removed, metabolism is restored, and the wound heals faster.
  2. The process is completed by the introduction of drainage tampons, which are impregnated with proteolytic enzymes and hypertonic solution. This is done for the outflow of purulent masses and the final death of necrosis.

Dressings are carried out in a polyclinic 2 times a day. After the wound begins to tighten, it is treated with antiseptic and emollients. Ointments help to resolve scar tissue (Zeraderm, Kelofibraz). Still on the hearth, silicone patches are applied to speed up the healing. When a carbuncle of a person is detected in a timely manner, the treatment can only be general, without surgical intervention.

Carbuncle - complications

If a disease such as carbuncle occurs, treatment should be carried out immediately. Negligent attitude to inflammation often has sad consequences. In neglected cases, a person can:

If there is an intoxication of the body, the pus enters the bones, vessels and veins of the body, as well as into the brain. In these cases, patients can develop diseases that lead to death:

When there was a carbuncle in the nose, treatment at home is possible only in the initial stages. For this you need: