Calluses on hands

Corn on the finger can occur in any person and cause both pain and elementary discomfort in the form of a non-esthetic appearance. For a woman, the appearance of calluses on the arm becomes a real test: beautiful hands become an elusive dream, and various procedures for removal do not lead to the desired result. How to deal with these dry layers of skin on your hands, we'll talk further.

Causes of dry calluses on hands

Dry calluses on the fingers occur for several reasons:

Most often, calluses arise between the fingers, as well as from the side and the inside. They are inclined to women who work without protective gloves and have a delicate skin - callus in this case is a protective reaction of the body, because if a certain area is constantly disturbed, then, in order not to cause injury, the body thickens it in this localization.

How to remove calluses on hands?

Treatment of dry callus on the hands can be very long - unlike wet, dry corn deepens, and therefore, without complex treatment can not do.

Eliminate the cause of calluses

First of all, it is necessary to remove the source that provoked the appearance of corn - either to change jobs, or use protective gloves, or remove accessories that put pressure.

Useful steaming trays

It is necessary to steam the skin: for this purpose, either a solar solution or a combination of decoctions of chamomile, string and sage (have anti-inflammatory properties and prevent infection with bacteria).

Also for steaming, you can make a soapy solution based on tar or household soap.

Place the area with corn for 15 minutes in a hot tub. Do not cut it off at all - just use a scrub that gently exfoliates the cornified steamed layer.

If you want a corn cut off - contact a dermatologist, because at home it's not safe to conduct such procedures. In addition, it can lead to an inverse protective reaction - the skin in this area is even more coarse.

Medical plasters from dry corns

French patches Urgo (Urgo) are famous for that they save from calluses - they have special pads, which are impregnated with the treated substances dissolving corn.

To treat dry type of callus, you need a patch with impregnation from salicylic acid.

Use a patch easily:

  1. It is necessary to steam out the affected area.
  2. Wipe dry the skin.
  3. Then remove the protective film from the patch and attach it to the corn.
  4. After 2 days the plaster is removed.
  5. With gentle accurate movements with the help of a spatula or a hand scrub, remove the top layer of corn.
  6. A few days later the procedure is repeated.