Mahonia papular - reproduction by cuttings

Mahonia is an evergreen ornamental plant that blossoms with a lot of bright yellow flowers, a relative of barberry . Magony is unpretentious and can be grown on any type of soil. Only two things are afraid of this shrub: direct sunlight and strong wind. Therefore it is better to plant it in the shaded and sheltered corners of the garden. There are several ways to have on your site the mahogany of the gadfly - propagation by cuttings or growing from seeds are the most reliable methods.

The ripened fruit of the mahogany has a pleasing dark-lilac color. These berries can be eaten. Moreover, they are very useful for the body, because they contain a large amount of vitamin C. Fruits can be eaten raw or used for cooking jams, jams or house wine.

Cultivation of mahonia

One of the most effective ways of multiplying mahogany gadubostnoy - is the cultivation of seeds. Germination of seeds sown in early autumn is more than 60%. After reaching seedlings of two years of age, they can be transplanted into the soil to a permanent place.

An effective way of reproduction of shrubby mahogany is deciduous is the use of root offspring. In this case, you need to carefully separate the part prepared for the transplant from the mother plant, dig it up and transplant it to a new place together with the earthen lump. Another method, how to multiply the padolobic magony in the spring period is to use the layers.

But one of the most reliable options, with the cultivation of mahogany deciduous, remains cuttings. This method of reproduction is carried out in the summer. Cuttings should be prepared from healthy young shoots, which have several fully formed leaves. The upper cut of the cut should be located directly above the kidney. The distance between the lower cut and the nearest kidney can be about 3 cm.

Prepared shanks should be placed in a loose substrate. An excellent option will be a peat tablet. When planting it is recommended to treat the soil with a fungicide - this preventive procedure will help to protect the young plant from many diseases in the future.