Muraya paniculate - home care

If you like exotic home flowers, pay attention to the muraia of the panicle. A tall plant-tree with a lush crown, reaching 1.5 m in height, is strewn with snow-white flowers, reminiscent of the shape and gentle scent of jasmine. To plants pleased you with a magnificent blossom for a long time, it is important to know the features of care for muraia panicle at home.

Muraya Japanese panicle - landing

In general, the plant perfectly feels in the soil with a neutral reaction. For planting, prepare a mixture of humus, turf and leaf earth and sand in proportions of 2: 2: 2: 1. Another option is to purchase a ready-made soil for citrus plants and mix with perlite or coconut fiber. The landing itself is carried out by the transshipment method in such a way that the root neck is located at the level of the soil surface. In the future, the transplant is needed every two to three years.

Muraya paniculate - care

Creation of optimally suitable conditions is a guarantee of the year-round flowering of the plant. A pot of Muraiya panicle should be installed in a well-lit place, but in such a way that direct sunlight does not reach it. It is important not to allow a draft, to which the plant reacts by falling flowers. If we talk about the temperature regime, in winter time, the muraic panicle feels fine at + 16 + 19 ° C, in the summer - not more than + 24 + 26 ° C. Despite the fact that the plant tolerates low humidity of the air, from time to time it needs to be sprayed with warm standing water. Feeding is carried out once a month with complex fertilizers for indoor plants.

To form a beautiful crown, the pet is pruned with pruning in early spring.

Propagation of muraia swept by seeds and cuttings. And the last method is less effective, when seeds ascend quickly - after one or two weeks.