Anemia in pregnancy - consequences for the child

Such a violation, like iron deficiency anemia, during pregnancy carries negative consequences, both for the child's future and for the process of gestation itself. Consider the most common disorders that can be the result of low hemoglobin levels in the blood of a pregnant woman.

In what cases is the diagnosis of anemia in pregnancy?

First, it should be noted that a similar diagnosis is made when the hemoglobin level in the blood is less than 110 g / l. As a rule, the mother's organism comes to such a state as a result of the increased consumption of such a trace element as iron, the fruit itself.

What are the consequences of anemia in pregnant women?

First of all, it should be noted that this type of disorder affects the course of pregnancy.

Reducing the level of hemoglobin during the bearing of the baby below the specified limit, can lead to disruption of the process of laying such an important organ for pregnancy as the placenta. So, often with pronounced anemia, gynecologists record underdevelopment, and sometimes, at the same time, a disruption of the placenta in the uterus (overlapping the entrance to the uterus, the low-lying placenta). Such changes can lead to pregnancy pathologies such as fetal hypoxia, uterine bleeding, premature placental abruption.

During the most generic process, with anemia occurring throughout the pregnancy, weakness of labor may be noted, hypotension of uterine myometrium.

What is the risk of anemia in pregnancy for a child?

This question is most of all of interest to women in the situation that diagnoses anemia.

So, among the consequences of anemia in pregnant women, which are dangerous directly for a newborn baby, it is necessary to name:

As can be seen from the above-mentioned consequences of anemia that occurred during pregnancy, most of them develop after a while, i.e. immediately after the birth of the baby is not diagnosed.

Thus, it is necessary to say that, as a rule, women who suffer from low hemoglobin in bearing a baby are born, at first sight, healthy children. Negative effects on the child of anemia, detected in pregnant women, make themselves felt at the age of one year.