Diuretic for pregnant women

Everyone knows that pregnant women, especially in later terms, suffer from permanent swelling, which often occur on the feet of a future mother. It is then that there is a need for a diuretic for pregnant women.

What diuretic drugs can be used in pregnancy?

In pharmaceutics, there are many diuretics - diuretics. Conditionally they are divided into 4 groups:

  1. Inhibitors of carbonic anhydrase.
  2. Drugs that inhibit the inverse absorption of sodium in the tubules of the kidneys.
  3. Osmotic diuretics.
  4. Acid-forming diuretics.

However, almost all of these drugs are prohibited during pregnancy. Perhaps the only medicinal product permitted for pregnant women are the diuretic tablets of Kanefron . They are made exclusively from vegetable raw materials: the root is lyubitka, centaury and leaves of rosemary, which completely excludes the risk of complications. That is why this diuretic is considered safe for pregnant women.

Drugs such as Furosemide and Lasix are contraindicated in pregnancy. they have a pronounced blocking action, which leads to a decrease in sodium absorption. Together with these drugs, magnesium, calcium and phosphates are excreted from the body, as a result of which water-salt metabolism is disrupted.

What can be used as a diuretic for pregnant women?

Quite often, pregnant women for the treatment of edema as a diuretic use tea on herbs. In this case, leaves and buds of birch, an orthosiphon leaf, bearberry, which is considered a diuretic herb for pregnant women, can be used. Before taking this kind of funds, you need to consult a doctor.

Which foods have a diuretic effect?

To combat swelling, pregnant women often resort to the use of diuretic products, vegetables and fruits. The most famous is the watermelon. However, it should be consumed in small quantities.

It also helps to cope well with the edema of cowberry, from which the broth is made. Moreover, the root of parsley and juniper, fruits of strawberries, can also be attributed to diuretic folk remedies for pregnant women.

Edema, as a consequence of pathology

It often happens that women over a long period of time take a diuretic for pregnant women, which brings relief only for a while. In this case, swelling is most likely just a symptom of a more complex disease. That's why when they first appear, you need to see a doctor.