Pregnancy 8 weeks - development of the fetus

The end of the second month of pregnancy is a time of new sensations for a woman and changes in the body of a growing baby. By the way, now he is not at all a germ, but is called a fruit. The development of all the child's systems in the 8 weeks of pregnancy is very active - it grows and changes by leaps and bounds.

Appearance of the kid

This small "fasolinka" has a size of about two centimeters and weighs from 14 to 20 grams. If the baby before 7 weeks was still a little like a little man, then on the 8th week the development of the fetus is very active - the rudimentary tail disappears, the arms and legs are already clearly visible, the face, especially the upper lip, is formed.

The eyes are still on the sides of the head, but gradually they become on their proper place. Now a well-visible back, with a translucent spine and a small tummy.

Development of internal organs at the 8th week of pregnancy

The fetal heart beats ever harder and has four chambers, the kidneys have just appeared, but the lungs have become much larger, the bronchial tree develops, although it is still far from the respiratory function.

The reproductive system also changes - the testes and ovaries in both sexes are already visualized, but this is not yet visible on the ultrasound and the sex of the child will be told a little later.

Development of motor skills of the fetus at 8 weeks

The motor activity of the baby grows every day, small arms and legs are already bent in the joints and soon the baby will begin to make somersaults in the abdomen, although Mom does not yet feel it.

At a period of 8-9 weeks, the development of the fetus goes to a new level - the placenta appears, which now through the umbilical cord will deliver the child all the substances necessary for its life.

And what happens to the mother in this period, how does she survive the pregnancy in 8 weeks and the development of the fetus inside her?

New sensations of the future mother

Some women at the age of 8 weeks may not yet know about their new status, but most pregnant women already start to guess about it. And the main reason is not always absence of menstruation, because in some it can last up to the twelfth week. Painful sipping in the lower abdomen suggests that the uterus begins to grow, and this is often felt as discomfort. In addition, it already presses on the bladder decently, forcing the pregnant woman to visit the toilet more often, while the size of the uterus does not exceed the size of the fist. If you put your hand on your stomach, then just above the pubic bone you can already feel the elastic uterus.

Hormonal reorganization of the body in full swing - the chest is poured, it becomes painful, the nipples can darken or it will happen a little later. A woman often experiences weakness, fatigue, a desire to sleep, and right now can develop toxicosis.

This period for a woman is considered one of the dangerous, because it is from 8 to 12 weeks, the fetus is very vulnerable, and under adverse conditions, placental abruption and miscarriage can occur . Therefore, the future mother must protect herself and avoid all kinds of stress, emotional upheavals and drug use.

The main signs of danger are pain in the lower back and abdomen, as with menstruation, with the appearance of blood or without it. In this case, medical consultation is mandatory, and before it - complete rest. Is it worth mentioning that sex life before the second trimester is better postponed, especially when there is a real threat of miscarriage.

The ill-considered use of medicines or alcohol can have a very negative impact on the health and viability of the fetus, and therefore it is worth taking a balanced approach to their intake. If a woman has chronic illnesses, then the doctor should adjust their reception, and perhaps pick up more suitable drugs for pregnant women.