How to wear a snitch from a coat?

Scarf-snood is a trend accessory that looks great with other things. Such a scarf can be placed on the shoulders or neck, or put on the head. Many people are wondering whether the snot is combined with a coat? Still as it is combined! So let's take a closer look at this issue.

Snuff from the coat

Scarf-snod from the coat looks incredibly elegant and feminine. This was demonstrated in their autumn-winter collections by such brands as Alice & Olivia, Oscar de la Renta and Mara Hoffman.

With a draped coat, fur will look great, as well as three-dimensional knitted scarves. Well, if a fur snack is combined with a bag or shoes.

Very popular are snuffs decorated with fringed, embroidered, sequins and buttons. Therefore, the coat should be simple and without decoration, and it turns out too pompous.

How to wear a snitch under your coat?

The most common way is to wrap the snipe twice around the neck, or to tie a loop. Previously, it was not recommended to combine such an accessory with a hood, but this season the stylists' views radically changed, so you can safely tie a hood with a scarf over your coat. Here are a few more ways to wear a snipe from a coat:

With the help of such a multifunctional accessory, you can create a lot of interesting images. That's why snood is popular with young girls and business women.