How to celebrate 1 year old girl?

The first birthday of the child is one of the most pleasant and exciting days in the life of parents. The kid seems so grown up, a whole year passed by unnoticed. Only yesterday baby was born, and now the little princess is preparing for her first holiday, and now it's time to answer the main question: how to celebrate 1 year old girl?

Guests, decoration and gifts

Her baby will not remember her first birthday, of course, but there will remain photos that even after many years will tell the grown-up girl, as she marked this day. So let next to her will be the closest people. Do not invite too many people, birthday girl can scare strangers.

When decorating a room, you need to remember that safety is much more important than bright decorations. A baby may want to try tinsel tasting or check for strength of cardboard ornaments. How to celebrate a child 1 year depends on the preferences of the crumbs. For the scenery you can use motifs from your favorite fairy tales.

The girl will surely appreciate bright and funny toys as a gift. Do not choose a toy for the future, it is unlikely that a child will resist the temptation to reveal it right now. The gift can also be practical and please parents more than the culprit of the celebration.

Entertainment and games

A small child lives according to his regime, it is the order of the day of the birthday woman that should be taken into account when planning how to celebrate the year for the child . Sleepy and tired hostess of the holiday will not be happy neither for fun, nor for gifts.

On this day it will be wonderful to remember all the achievements of the birthday girl. You can create an uncomplicated collage together with guests, for example, with finger paints, print handprints, your own and baby, paste a photo or collect a parcel through the time that the birthday girl opens, already grown up. If the baby loves to dance, the disco on this holiday is simply a must.

Many parents ask themselves how to celebrate a children's birthday . In a year for a baby, the main thing is that there are native people nearby, they make her happy, not gifts or jewelry. The birthday girl will be glad to any holiday near to relatives, and in fact its happy eyes - the main gift for parents.