Can I give a cross?

Some gifts from people have long been controversial. Some say that a watch, a cross, knives or a mirror can not be given, and others call such superstitions a relic of the past. Everything depends on the education of a person, the religion that he professes (maybe he is an atheist in general), his age and principles. Especially this applies to cross necklaces, which for many people are not at all simple decorations. The official church also has its views on such superstitions. Is it possible to give a cross to a husband, a girl, a loved one, a friend for a birthday or better to be careful not to make such gifts? Let's try to understand this difficult problem a little.

Why not give a cross?

Where did the sign come from, that you can not give a cross? People say that if you make such a gift, you give your own fate to another person. I carry my own cross and buy it myself. Maybe, therefore, to pick up on the road someone lost a cross before was also forbidden. A person who lost such an object, along with him, lost personal protection from spoiling. Some even argue that such a gift can accelerate the death of the person who received it.

Such an awful prediction is completely rejected by the official church. She claims that such gifts should be done. Is it possible to give a loved one a cross? Of course, you can! The main thing is that the cross should not be perceived as a simple decoration. It's the first time it's donned at baptism. Previously, the cross was worn under the clothes and did not show off. He was made modest, from simple wood, metal or silver, and was not decorated with expensive stones. It serves as a shrine, a symbol of the Christian faith. The church claims that everyone has his own cross and his own destiny. No gifts can affect this. It is advisable to go to the local church and be sure to conduct a ceremony - to consecrate your gift to your husband's name.

The cross, which the person put on at baptism, tried to keep all life, not to change, removing for a short time only in rare cases. Sometimes friends changed their nativity crosses, turning into "spiritual twins". That is why giving another such cult object for no reason, without reason, was considered a pointless occupation. This sacred thing should be presented as a gift only with pure thoughts, then a person will receive with him blessing and protection. It is not only possible to give a cross, but it is also necessary for those people who have been appointed godmother and father. With such a valuable gift, you bless the child. Only necessarily sanctify those crosses that you do not buy in the church.