In which fruit is the most vitamin C?

However, usually we do not bother ourselves with studying what kind of fruit is the most vitamin C. Let's try to understand this question.

Who is the vitamin leader?

We used to believe that most of the vitamin C is contained in citrus fruits, in particular, in lemons. Indeed, they are rich in ascorbic acid, but not the first in the list of the owners of its largest number. Studies have shown that fruits with a vitamin C content are much inferior to berries. And most of all ascorbic we find not in exotic fruits, but in the most ordinary dog-rose, where the vitamin content, in comparison with a lemon, exceeds it forty times! True, the dog rose is not a fruit, but this does not diminish his victory.

As for the fruits themselves, among them, lemon and other citrus are really leading. On our table there are other fruits that contain vitamin C in significant quantities, but they are usually grown in countries with hot climates, and they get to us, having made long trips. Among them: papaya, guayava, mango, kiwi and others.

And what kind of fruits that grow in our region, contains vitamin C - a natural question. Much less ascorbic can be found in our apples, but they are quite affordable and absorbed the sun of their native places, so, no doubt, they will be no less useful than exotic fruits. A lot of vitamin C in berries: black currant , sea-buckthorn, mountain ash, strawberry.

Why do we need vitamin C?

But is this vitamin important for us? Life has shown that a man can not do without him, especially since the human body can not produce ascorbic acid independently, and its presence is extremely important: