Funny contests for the anniversary

Jubilee is a special holiday, which does not accept banalities. Of course, you can sit in a narrow family circle, make a traditional salad Olivier and eat it after releasing news, but were people born to spend the holidays in a state of apathy? Moreover, if an anniversary is celebrated.

If you want to remember the holiday and leave a lot of positive emotions, it is better to come up with an interesting scenario that will include a lot of competitions and, accordingly, incentive prizes. Invite as many friends and relatives as possible and arrange an unforgettable celebration. Funny contests for the anniversary are determined by the status and age of the birthday person. If this is your close friend, with whom you are about the same age, then you can arrange compromising contests, so to speak "on the verge." But competitions for the anniversary of my mother or father should already be limited to decency and stay on neutral scenarios. If the scenario of the holiday is properly drawn up, then the mood for everyone will be just excellent!

The difference between the celebration of the women's and men's jubilees

It would seem that the holiday is the same, but depending on who the jubilee is - a woman or a man, the script begins to change.

If you pick up funny contests for a woman's jubilee, then give preference to those who will praise her beauty and attractiveness. Ladies are very receptive to such things. In the script of the jubilee of a woman with contests, you can include a competition between men who will make more compliments or who will write the best verse-congratulation. In addition, it can be contests, for women's themes: clothing, style, make-up, etc. You can offer a contest Satin dress. Several pairs of man-woman participate. The girls are given a ball of satin ribbon or toilet paper, and the man should wrap his partner with a ribbon, not helping himself with his hands. The couple who made the most creative outfit wins.

Men's jubilee, unlike women's, involves contests for men's themes: cars, sports, funny jokes. Unlike girls, guys are not fixated on how they will look in public and what people will think about them. They are more direct and free in action, therefore they can participate in any competitions. The script of the jubilee of a man with contests often involves the use of alcoholic beverages. You can put before the participants glasses and glasses with different alcohol, while the number of dishes should be 1 less than the number of participants. Men walk around the table, waiting for a conditioned signal, after which everyone should grab a glass and drink the contents. Who did not have enough glasses out of the competition. The quantity of "tare" is reduced by one. As a result, there will be one winner who will drink the last glass.

Universal contests for the anniversary

Most of the games still remain neutral and suitable for both ladies and guys. Here are some of the most popular fun contests for the anniversary:

  1. Play 15 notes . A time-tested contest. Take 15 leaves, on each of them the coordinates of the next leaf are written. 14 notes are hidden in different places, and the latter is given to the hero of the day. His task is to collect all the pieces of paper. Thus, you can bring a birthday boy to a gift.
  2. Game "Fireball" . There are two teams. Each group is given balls of a certain color. The balls lie on the floor. At the signal, participants begin to destroy the balls of rivals, while trying to protect their own. Each player keeps his ball, but if it breaks, then the person is eliminated from the game. The group that quickly crushed the balls of rivals wins.
  3. Competition "Emotions" . Attends 5-7 people. Vodka is poured into one glass, and in all other water. Participants should simultaneously drink the contents of glasses, without showing at the same time the emotions that are in the glass. Guests guess who got the vodka. The most ingenious guest wins, and the rest of participants are poured into a glass of vodka for participation.