Gifts from sweets by own hands

Probably, no one will give up the original gift of sweets, and even more so if it is made by oneself. Such a gift is suitable for both men and women, and even for the child. And you can give such a present for any holiday, be it birthday, March 8 or New Year. And it is possible and at all without an occasion to deliver the pleasant, having presented a gift from sweets made by own hands, for example, to the former teacher . Let's find out how to make a gift of sweets with our own hands.

Gift ideas from chocolates with own hands

To begin with, we will try to make a gift of sweets in the form of a bouquet of roses with our own hands, which can be presented, for example, to my mother's birthday or March 8th. If you want to build your own hands a gift of chocolates for a man, then the flowers in a bouquet of chocolates should be more reserved and strict shades, for example, dark purple or maroon.

  1. For work we need round candies, golden foil, thin paper pink and green, golden threads and scissors.
  2. From the foil the size of the candy is cut out a square and, putting the candy in the center, wrap it in foil, and at the base tightly tie a string.
  3. From paper of pink color we cut out two squares, we stack them on each other and we turn in half.
  4. Cut one of the corners of the resulting rectangle and get two rose petals.
  5. We wrap the candy in the petals and tie it together.
  6. Now from the green box of paper we cut out the leaves for the rose.
  7. We attach the leaves to the base of the rose.
  8. We cut the edges of our rose obliquely.
  9. Cut out a long narrow ribbon from the green paper. In the base of the rose we insert a skewer and gently wrap it with a paper tape.
  10. Our rose is ready. From such roses you can collect a whole gift bouquet.

On the eve of the New Year for children, you can make yourself a gift of sweets in the form of a Christmas tree.

  1. We need the following materials: candies of the same size and one chupa-chups, compasses, stapler, scissors, adhesive tape, glue, green cardboard and green rain. We cut out a quarter of the circle from the cardboard and turn it into a cone - the basis for the tree was obtained.
  2. With the help of a stapler and hot glue we connect the ends of the cone.
  3. At the base of the cone we fix the rain.
  4. We glue a double-sided adhesive tape around the cone and, taking off the upper film, attach our candies to the scotch.
  5. To ensure that the candies are not peeled off, we strengthen them with a regular tape. Alternating a series of rain and a row of sweets, we decorate our tree up. And the top of it is decorated with candy chupa-chups.

Another gift for children - a ship made from sweets - consists of sweets, toothpicks or skewers, blue and blue colored paper, a wicker basket and a piece of foam plastic by its size.

  1. We fix a piece of foam in the basket. Sweets wrapped in paper blue and blue, we put on skewers, which also decorate with colored paper.
  2. Skewers with sweets are stuck in the foam so that the skewers can not be seen. Back and front of our boat, you can attach extended cones of blue paper.
  • Masts for the boat are made of long skewers, and sails are made of rectangular pieces of blue paper. The top of each mast can be decorated with a blue flag. We connect the nose of the boat and the mast with a thick blue thread. Our gift ship from sweets is ready.
  • Slightly fantasizing and using the basics of drawing up gifts from sweets, you can make for yourself, for example, a New Year gift in the form of a symbol of the coming year - a monkey with sweets or any other toy. Such a gift will be interesting not only for children, but also for adults.