Lines in the palm of the hand - value on the right hand

If you want to look into the future or learn a lot of interesting things about a person, then it's worth looking at the palm of your hand. Information on how to correctly read lines in the palm of your hand is not a secret today, and everyone can use it for fortune telling, which is called palmistry .

Lines in the palm of the hand - value on the right hand

The right hand is considered active (for the left-hander on the contrary) and the lines depicting the changes that have occurred to the person from the moment of birth are depicted on it. What do the lines on the right palm mean:

  1. Line of Life . This trait can not tell about life expectancy. It can determine the state of a person, as well as learn about major life changes.
  2. Heart Line . It can determine the emotional state of a person, possible ups and downs in the love sphere. This line also tells about the state of the heart.
  3. Line of Destiny . Such a strip can not all be found on your hand, because not everyone believes in destiny and in their destiny. This line on the right hand shows how much any external factors affect a person.
  4. Line of Mind . This bar shows a person's abilities, his intellect and a thirst for knowledge. If it is twisted, then its owner is a creative person.

These are the four main lines, but there are also secondary lines, which can tell us a lot of useful and interesting information. Let's consider some of them.

Line of Health . It can determine the material and physical well-being of a person. If it is clear, then its owner has an entrepreneurial note.

Line of Glory . It, as it were, enhances the influence of the line of destiny and improves social success . If it is clearly visible, then the person is satisfied with his work.

The Line of Marriage . Small strips symbolize the existence of a serious relationship. The marriage is indicated by clearly distinguishing lines. The closer the strip to the base of the little finger, the later these relations will occur.