Why not marry in sandals?

Up to our time, a great number of signs have come, which arose in ancient times. A lot of superstitions has to do with the wedding, for example, one of them explains why one should not marry in sandals. By the way, if many signs have lost their relevance, the wedding is still common and many girls continue to follow them.

Can I marry in sandals - a sign

To the celebration passed without problems, and the joint life was happy, people paid attention not only to the proper conduct of the wedding, but also to the attire of the newlyweds. Among the people there is an opinion that the bride can not go under the crown in sandals and only shoes are allowed to wear.

Why not marry in sandals:

  1. It is believed that the legs are a vulnerable place on the human body and if they are open and visible to everyone, then evil people can simply jinx it. If the bride is in sandals, the enemies may wish the youngest the most unpleasant things.
  2. Another interpretation of the sign that it is impossible to marry in sandals is that such shoes will bring disaster to the future of the pair. From the young will go away happiness, money and love, but the troubles will be attracted like a magnet. If the bride wears sandals for the wedding, then she will spend the rest of her life will walk barefoot, because through the holes in the shoes "drain" all the money.
  3. Most sandals have different fasteners and bridges, used as decorations. It is believed that this in the end can lead to problems that arise during childbirth. In order for the child to be born without problems, the bride must be in shoes.

Everyone has the right to decide for themselves whether to believe in superstition or not, but remember that if you think about troubles, then they can sooner or later happen in life. Man himself creates his own happiness and it does not matter what shoes he wears.