How to get the ants out of the apartment?

If you saw one or several ants in your apartment, then you need to pay attention to it and take action, because in a few days these insects can flood the whole house.

Where do the ants in the apartment come from?

Most often in the living areas there are red ants of small sizes. They have the nickname "house ants". These small creatures live where there is food and do not follow the order in the house. Their appearance can be and in the event that you are an ideal hostess and you are always clean. These are scouts who can come to you from neighbors and eat food left on the table. Also, the reason why ants have gotten into your apartment may be old clothes or open windows. During the mating season these insects grow their wings and look for a place where they can create a new colony and find food. Ants prefer warm and humid places. Insects are populated in crevices of skirting boards, space behind wallpaper, furniture.

To combat the ants in the apartment was successful, you need to know about their features and lifestyle. Having small dimensions, they penetrate into the smallest cracks and form nests there. A large anthill can be distributed to several rooms and even apartments. These nests are connected with each other and if there is damage to at least one of them - the ants quickly move to others or build new ones. It is this property and is the main difficulty in the fight against domestic ants. One family of such insects is several thousand individuals. Close to 10% of the ants are engaged in the production of food (you can see them at home), the rest are engaged in offspring and the structure of new nests. Therefore, the idea that several ants in the house will not do much harm is false. These are omnivorous insects, which can also be carriers of various infections.

How to get ants out of an apartment: practical advice

Getting rid of these annoying insects is quite difficult, but quite realistic. Since often the nests of ants are hidden from the person's eyes, it will be very difficult or impossible to find the female and the source of the brood. To get rid of visible ants is also pointless, because they will be replaced quickly by new ones. The only effective way is to get the ants to bring poison into their nests. It is this principle that will become the basis in the fight against these insects.

Folk remedies against ants in the apartment are based on the use of boric acid. It is this substance that erodes the veil on the body of insects and leads to their destruction. It is necessary not to overdo or kill the worker ants before the time, without giving them the opportunity to bring these particles into the nests. For this, boric acid is mixed in equal proportions with sugar or honey, water is added until a thick syrup is formed. The resulting mixture must be poured into different containers, caps and for a week put in the place of congestion of ants. The content will dry up, so it's worth updating the portion from time to time. Take special care if you have pets. To scare off ants, you can use the leaves of mint, elder, wormwood or sunflower oil, unbearable for them by smell.

Chemicals that can help with this problem: Raptor, Raid, Dohlos, Frontline and others. These can be gels, poisoned granules or traps. Usually, several species are used simultaneously. Granules will fall into the nests and destroy the entire ant family.

To prevent the emergence of ants in the apartment, preventive measures are necessary and do not create an anvil favorable conditions for life.