Women's Basketball

Female basketball is a team sport game, in which the main goal is to throw the ball into the basket of the opponent's team. Of the two competing teams, the victory will be awarded to the one that scored the maximum number of points. Traditionally, high, thin and fast-paced athletes are selected for this game.

Women's basketball - a useful game

Basketball, which women play, is no different from the male and also develops many useful properties of the body and spirit:

Probably all these features have made basketball a very popular sport. Unlike many other sports, basketball is included in the mandatory program of school physical training.

Form for basketball

Traditionally, the form for basketball consists of sleeveless undershirts and shorts, in the range of which one color predominates, and the others serve only as a complement, if at all. An important feature of the form - it is not crocheted from natural fabrics. The material used for sewing is necessarily synthetic, easily penetrating the air and removing moisture. Its main feature is the ability not to deform, not to shed and not to change in any way as a result of long daily training, or from frequent washing.

Now you can not only buy the existing options for the coloring of the form, but also order an individual coloring in which the form for the whole team will be executed. In addition, all necessary logos, number and in general any information can be printed on T-shirts. Thanks to this, each team can look individually and uniquely.

The women's basketball team must be different from their competitors - that's why even minor deviations from the traditional form are possible: for example, shorter or longer shorts, a shortened or elongated jersey, a loose or more fitting cut, the presence or absence of additional accessories.

Women's sneakers for basketball

To play basketball a girl needs not only a good form, but also special shoes, which will allow you not to be distracted and watch the intense game, quickly and easily moving around. Basketball shoes have several features:

  1. Ease. In the course of the game, it is important to run and jump and jump a lot, and light ones, practically imperceptible on the legs, are very important sneakers.
  2. Stability. This property is given to the sneakers by an elastic, soft sole with good shock absorbers.
  3. Height. Normal sneakers are very dangerous, because they do not protect the ankle joint. Good sneakers for basketball should completely hide it and firmly fix it.
  4. Lacing. It is the old good shoelaces. And not Velcro or something else should fix the sneaker on the leg. It has not yet been invented a more suitable way to reliably strengthen the shoes on the foot.

Choosing sneakers for all parameters, be sure to try on all the pair and walk around, jump: it must be strictly your size and you should not feel any discomfort at the movement when driving. It's important not to be lazy and lace up your running shoes to be sure of your choice, because well-chosen sneakers can save you from sports injuries!