Craniocerebral pressure

Craniocerebral pressure is the accumulation or lack of cerebrospinal fluid (cerebrospinal fluid). This substance is constantly renewed, circulating from one area of ​​the cranium to the other. But sometimes there is a sharp violation of this process. As a result, the cerebrospinal fluid accumulates in one place and the intracranial pressure rises.

Causes of increased craniocerebral pressure

The main causes of increased craniocerebral pressure are:

Such pathology can occur in people with severe poisoning or excess of vitamin A.

Symptoms of increased craniocerebral pressure

The first symptoms of increased craniocerebral pressure are headache, tinnitus, edema of the eye, bifurcation and eye reaction. Some patients also have:

Treatment of high craniocerebral pressure

Increased intracranial pressure is a very serious threat to life. It reduces intellectual abilities, disrupts brain activity and nervously regulates the work of various internal organs. What to do with craniocerebral pressure to prevent serious abnormalities? First of all, you need to use diuretics . With their help you will speed up the process of removing the cerebrospinal fluid. According to the doctor's prescription, nootropic drugs can be used to treat an increased cerebral-cerebral pressure. They will help in a short time to improve the nutrition and blood circulation of the brain.

To normalize the pressure, you can also hold sessions of therapeutic massage.