Corks in the tonsils

Often, the otolaryngologist advises patients with frequent angina to clear the tonsils from the plugs. Consider why there are traffic jams in the glands, and how to get rid of them.

Causes of congestion in the glands

It is tonsillitis or tonsillitis that is the reason why corks appear on the tonsils. Palatine tonsils are necessary to protect the upper respiratory tract from a viral or bacterial attack. The entire tissue of the gland is laced with lacunae - winding tunnels into which enter pathogenic bacteria enter the pharyngeal cavity.

It is here that they are destroyed. The process often passes with the formation of pus. These secretions accumulate in lacunae and clog them. As a result, the activity of the tonsils as defenders is greatly reduced. To increase immune protection, it is necessary to release lacuna from accumulated pus.

In addition, the remnants of destroyed leukocytes and microorganisms lead to the appearance of an unpleasant odor. In chronic tonsillitis, these clusters prevent complete recovery, as it provokes a slowly current inflammatory process.

How to clean the glands from the plugs?

Today, it is not necessary to cleanse the glands by yourself. There is a special technique that is widely used in polyclinics. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis:

  1. After local anesthesia on the tonsils are worn special vacuum suction.
  2. Under pressure, the lacuna quickly opens and lets out the accumulated pus.
  3. Upon completion of the manipulation, the cleared lacunae are treated with a disinfectant solution.
  4. With the help of an ultrasonic device, an antibiotic is introduced into the twisting passages.

It should be clarified that the treatment of congestion in the glands is done by a course of 8-10 procedures.

It is possible to wash the glands from the plugs manually. To do this, the doctor uses a cannula, which is inserted directly into the lacunae passage. The drug solution is then supplied to the cannula with a syringe.

This method can not be called fully effective and safe:

  1. Using a cannula, it is impossible to wash lacunae with a small diameter.
  2. During the procedure, the risk of injury to the amygdala is high.
  3. After injury on the tonsil remains a scar from the connective tissue, which leads to the formation of new plugs.

If the otolaryngologist insists on washing the glands, listen to the advice of a professional. But if there is a choice, choose a hardware method for purging the tonsils from purulent plugs.