What can not be done during pregnancy?

The waiting period for the baby puts a lot of restrictions on the life of the future mother. In order for pregnancy to proceed safely, and subsequently a healthy and strong child was born to a woman, she must give up some habits and make certain changes in her lifestyle immediately after receiving news of her "interesting" situation.

In this article, we will tell you what not to do during pregnancy at an early and late date, and which bans should be taken most seriously.

What can not be done in the first trimester of pregnancy?

Beginning with the fertilization of the ovum, some of the actions of the expectant mother are prohibited, since they can provoke miscarriage or the formation of malformations of the fetus. Let us single out what can not be done in the first days of pregnancy:

  1. Drink alcoholic beverages, smoke and take drugs. It would seem that this is obvious, and every future mother, who cares about the health and vital activity of her baby, after learning about the pregnancy that has come, will immediately abandon bad habits. Nevertheless, some women continue to use prohibited substances, believing that a sharp rejection of them will lead to unpleasant consequences.
  2. To lift weights and engage in active sports. Excessive physical activity early in pregnancy can cause a miscarriage.
  3. Take medication without prescribing a doctor. Even the most "harmless" medications that most people regularly use in everyday life, for expectant mothers can be disastrous.
  4. Take a hot bath and visit the sauna. Overheating of the body is very dangerous for pregnant women.
  5. Do x-rays, as well as vaccinations against smallpox and malaria. Often, women turn to these procedures, not yet knowing about the onset of pregnancy. In this case, it may be necessary to interrupt it, so you should always consult a doctor.
  6. In the presence of any contraindications - make love with her husband.
  7. Finally, from the very beginning of pregnancy a woman can not be very worried and worried.

What can not be done in the second trimester of pregnancy?

The second trimester is the quietest and most prosperous time when a woman is allowed almost everything. Naturally, there is a ban on alcohol and drug use, as well as smoking. The list of medicines that can be taken during the waiting period of the baby in the second trimester is significantly expanded, although it is still not necessary to use medicines without the appointment of a doctor.

In addition, in the presence of any complications, a future mother may be forbidden to make love with her husband, go on long trips, eat certain foods and so on.

What can not be done in the third trimester of pregnancy?

After the end of the second trimester of pregnancy, the list of contraindications and prohibited activities is again expanded. In addition, all the above recommendations are preserved, and new taboos are added, which should be paid special attention on the eve of an early birth.

Thus, among the things that can not be done in the last weeks of pregnancy, we can distinguish the following:

  1. After 36 weeks, and in the presence of contraindications and before a pregnant woman can not fly on airplanes.
  2. Walk in shoes with high heels. Although this prohibition extends to the entire period of pregnancy, in the third trimester it should pay special attention.
  3. Wear tight clothes and take poses, in which there is excessive pressure on the stomach.
  4. Ignore any pain and discomfort, because they can indicate a child's unhappiness in the mother's womb.

Of course, any illness should be reported to the doctor not only in the third trimester of pregnancy, but throughout this period.