Why does the offer dream?

Interpretation of dreams can sometimes cause some difficulties. To clarify their meaning, one should start from as specific as possible images. For example, you need to look not just an answer to the question of what the sentence is dreaming about, but to specify whether this proposal is marriage or work. Only in this case it will be possible to find the correct explanation of your dream and take note of such information.

What does the offer of the hand and heart dream about?

Seeing a dream about marriage for an unmarried girl or woman is a good sign. And it can be interpreted literally. He can also foretell some unexpected, but pleasant acquisition. Ladies who have already bound themselves by marriage, such a dream can predict changes in a personal life of a positive nature, related to relatives, acquaintances, colleagues. Or he talks about the onset of all-round harmony in relations with his own husband.

Why does the offer meet?

Dreams about the beginning of the relationship between lovers should also be regarded as successful. They promise the girl the emergence of a mutual romantic sympathy between her and the young man who appeared in a dream. Even if a man does not know her yet. The dream says that very soon a fateful meeting with this stranger will take place. Also, sleep can talk about the girl's indecision, about the impossibility to understand her feelings .

What does the job offer look like?

The offer of work, seen in a dream, should be interpreted as the rapid onset of change. And, not necessarily related to the change in the sphere of employment. Perhaps, on the contrary, in the old place of work a person expects a promotion or an increase in salary. Some dream books on the question of what the proposal for a new job is dreaming about are answered like this: one should prepare for new acquaintances, achievements and, probably, business trips.