Treatment of rickets in infants

Rickets is a disease that occurs as a result of a deficiency in the body of vitamin D and with improper feeding. Most often in the risk group are children living in poor living conditions and walking a little outside.

Treatment of rickets in children

Fortunately, thanks to mass prophylaxis, today the risk of severe disease is very small. To combat rickets, specialists turn to complex therapy consisting of several items. Consider the basic rules of how to treat rickets in infants.

  1. Gymnastics for rickets . The work must begin with the very first signs of the disease. Children in the first months of life are beginning to do massage in conjunction with the elements of gymnastics. Stroking hands and feet, massage the back with a shift to the tummy. Very well proved to be rocking on the ball in the embryo pose. For the period of acute form, it is necessary to add the dilution of handles and legs to the sides, alternating bending and reflex crawling. For the treatment of rickets in infants during the recovery period, you can add lifting of the head and trunk with support, the development of handles and alternate crossing them on the chest, sliding steps, turns of the trunk. In this massage of the body and limbs remain in force. At the age of a year and a half, it is recommended to make straight leg raises, slopes behind a toy, walking on a path with obstacles, squats and circular movements of hands.
  2. Nutrition of children with rickets . Treatment of rickets in children, like any other disease, should begin with the transition to a quality diet. Breastfeeding should be extended for a maximum period. To provide the body with mineral salts and vitamins, it is necessary to introduce fruit decoctions and juices in the first month of life. After three months, start giving the yolk, and offer a vegetable puree at the age of four months. In six months, the child must enter the meat, chicken and offal.
  3. Vitamins from rickets . The process of treatment of rickets in infants should necessarily be accompanied by additional vitamins. For treatment it is necessary to give vitamin D. There is one nuance here. Give preference to aqueous solutions, they are less toxic than oil. This is especially true if the crumb should be given large doses of the drug.
  4. Quartz with rickets . This procedure is very useful for preventing disease in the cold season. Radiation under the lamp is very close to solar, which stimulates the production of vitamin D.
  5. Electrophoresis for rickets . Since the treatment of rickets in infants is necessary in the complex, stimulation of the immune system will be very helpful. You can use solutions of lysozyme, left-mizol, aloe extract. The course lasts 10 days, the duration of the procedure is about 10 minutes.