
In some pet stores, you can recently see on sale unusual aquarium animals, which in appearance resemble an eel or a waterworm. In fact, these are amphibian worms, the history of which begins even before the time when dinosaurs settled on the planet.


Worms have an elongated smooth body, and the limbs of these amphibians are absent. Throughout the length of the ringed worm, one can see characteristic rings, which, in fact, have caused this name of the animal. Scientists at the moment know about the existence of about one and a half hundred species of worms, most of which live in water or underground, leading a secret life. Usually at home contain water worms, which need a terrarium or an aquarium. The most common species include Mexican, water, wide, Ceylon and African worms, Thompson's worm and ringed worm.

These amphibians are distinguished by their high endurance and vitality. And although the organs of vision are practically undeveloped, the worms can be guided by an exceptional sense of smell. It is provided by a chemosensitive tentacle located between the eyes and nostrils. The skin of amphibians of dark color (gray, brown), can be strips. Determine where the animal's head, you can only on the barely noticeable eyes.

The content of worms

Specialized literature, in which it would be written about how to contain worms, is extremely small, so breeders are guided only by their own experience. These amphibians in nature live in tropical forest ponds, so they need an aquarium with fresh water. Worms breathe air, periodically raising the head to the surface of water, so the aquarium should not be too deep. It is necessary to build many shelters in the form of grottoes and snags so that the animal can easily retreat. The lid is a prerequisite. Tvervyagi - creatures are very mobile and brisk. Any even the narrowest slit can be a door to freedom for these creatures with a slippery and plastic body. The usual cover glass should be fixed with a load, because the animal can lift it. If you decide to have a worm, which lives in the ground, then on the bottom of the aquarium it is necessary to pour gravel, lay pieces of Javanese moss.

An important condition is the water temperature. It should be within 24-29 degrees. If you do not comply with this temperature regime, then the worm can get sick. She will give up food, become sluggish and inactive. In addition, low temperature can provoke ichthyothyroidism, which is very difficult to cure due to intolerance to worms of any medications.

As food for worms, you can use bloodworms, earthworms, meat or fish.

Cultivation of worms

If you manage to buy a worm, finding a couple for it will be even more difficult because of the rarity of these animals. A pair of worms even in conditions of captivity can reproduce. Pregnancy in females lasts six months. Then small worms are born. Usually their number varies within the limits of six-seven individuals. Their length does not exceed ten centimeters, and outwardly they are reduced copies of adult individuals. Immediately after childbirth, the female bites off the gill sacks with the help of which they breathed in the womb. Since the birth of the worms eat themselves. Kids are happy to eat bloodworms and enchitreous. They grow during the first year rather slowly, adding about ten centimeters in length. The grown-up males need to be planted, because they will constantly fight for the territory, inflicting wounds on each other's teeth.