Yoghurt cream for cake - the best recipes for delicious impregnation of cakes

Yoghurt cream for a cake has a lot of advantages over other analogs of sweet additions: products soaked and decorated with such a mass are surprisingly delicate in taste and at the same time have a relatively low calorie content, which is especially important for those who watch the figure.

How to make yoghurt cream for cake?

A cream of yoghurt for a cake is prepared elementary, but, like any culinary composition, it has its own individual features in the performance of technology and secrets that allow to increase the final quality of the impregnation obtained.

  1. Yogurt is preferably a thick, natural, without additives and impurities, which may not have the best effect on the course of the preparation of the cream.
  2. Cream of natural yogurt for a cake is often thickened with gelatin, which makes it possible to obtain a more compliant texture of the mixture, most suitable for both the interlayer and the decoration of the dessert.
  3. Any of the variations can be filled with a new flavor, adding flavor to your choice or tinted with gel dyes.
  4. Before applying to the cakes, the cream is placed for additional cooling and freezing in the refrigerator.

Cottage cheese and yoghurt cream for cake

The curd-yoghurt cream, which is often used to impregnate biscuit cakes, perfectly combines with fruit and berry filling, creating a delicacy delicacy, from tasting which all come to indescribable delight. The main thing is to take high-quality cottage cheese and fresh natural and thick yogurt, properly process and combine the ingredients together, sweetening the powder to taste.



  1. Break up the cottage cheese with sugar powder blender, add vanilla, yogurt and whisk all together.
  2. Ready yoghurt cream for a cake is placed briefly in the cold, then applied to the cakes or decorate the product from above, shifting into a bag.

Creamy yoghurt cream for cake

The cream and yoghurt cream will become more gentle and airy. For its preparation use fat cream, preferably intended for whipping or homemade with a high percentage of fat. At least 6 hours before the formulation of the lacquer substance, the products are placed in the refrigerator and, in addition, chilled dishes are used for whipping.



  1. Whip the chilled cream until peaks are obtained.
  2. Pour portions of powdered sugar, whisk.
  3. Add vanilla and natural yoghurt without additives to the beaten sweet mass, whisk at a low speed of the mixer until the mixture is homogeneous.

Cream of yoghurt and condensed milk

Delicious and airy will cream for a cake of yogurt and condensed milk. Both components should be natural, high-quality and initially thick, then the cream will keep the shape well and not spread. Specific airiness of the mixture will be given to whipped cream, which is introduced into the base after whipping and cooling in the refrigerator before use.



  1. Combine condensed milk with yogurt and lemon juice, beat the mixer at low speed, put on the shelf of the refrigerator for 8 hours.
  2. After the time, whip the cream to the peaks, adding powder to the process.
  3. Introduce the whipped creamy mass into the base of the cream, whisk until smooth.

Sour cream and yoghurt cream for cake

Smetanno-yogurt cream without thickeners turns out not so dense, as it would be desirable. However, the issue is solved quickly and easily if you add a couple of packages of thickener for sour cream to the mixture. Yogurt is used natural without any additives, adding it with sour cream vanilla or other flavor.



  1. Chilled sour cream is beaten with sugar powder to a density of 10 minutes.
  2. Add vanilla or vanilla extract, yogurt, thickener and whisk about even about the same time.
  3. Ready yoghurt cream with sour cream for a cake put for a couple of hours in the fridge.

Yoghurt cream with gelatin for cake

The cream of yogurt and gelatin is light, delicate and perfectly keeps the shape. Such a base is perfectly combined with cakes of any type and is in harmony with all possible fillers. In this case, as an additional basis, whipped cream is used, which can be replaced, if desired, with fat-free cottage cheese or a more nutritious and nutritious mascarpone.



  1. Whisk yoghurt and a half of powder, pour the lemon juice and continue beating for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Separately whip the cream until the peaks, adding the remainder of powder and vanilla.
  3. Soak in water and dissolve gelatin, pour into yogurt, combine with creamy mass.
  4. Cool the yoghurt cream for the cake in the refrigerator and use as directed.

Yogurt cream soufflé for cake

Yogurt cream for a biscuit cake can be made in the form of a souffle. Prepared a lush substance with the addition of gelatin, pour the surface of the biscuit into a mold and send it to solidify under the film in the refrigerator. This souffle cream can be given the desired flavor notes, using flavored yogurt or adding a flavoring or a bit of fruit concentrate to the mass when whipping.



  1. Beat yogurt with sour cream.
  2. Add condensed milk, once again whisk.
  3. Soaked in water and dissolved gelatin, allowed to cool, injected into the base of the cream, whipped.
  4. Ready yogurt cream soufflé for cake is used for the purpose, pouring them a cake.

Cream of yogurt and butter

A light yoghurt cream can be made more nutritious and gentle, adding a soft butter to the composition. With its help, you can get a thicker texture of the mixture. Such an addition for dessert is prepared quickly and simply, without requiring a long and tiring whipping. Ten minutes to implement the recipe is enough.



  1. Whisk the homogeneous oil with powder, adding vanilla.
  2. Yogurt is introduced in portions, each time achieving homogeneity of the mixture.
  3. If you put a delicious yogurt cream in the fridge for a while it will become even thicker.

Strawberry yoghurt cream for cake

Yoghurt cream can be made with berry or fruit filling, adding to it in the preparation of sliced ​​or crushed to mash peaches, apricots, pears, bananas, raspberries or as in this case strawberries. In this case, brown sugar is used as the sweetener, which can be replaced by conventional or powder.



  1. Mix the yogurt with the sugar and beat until the crystals dissolve.
  2. Add the strawberries, dissolved in water gelatin, once again the cream is beaten and placed in the fridge in order for the cream to seize.
  3. When using a cream for pouring a cake, it is used immediately and only after that it is already set with the cake to cool and solidify.