The best diet for weight loss

If you search the Internet for the best diets of the world, then you will find dozens of different options. It all depends on what purpose you need a diet: you want to gradually and permanently get rid of weight, put in order the figure after the holidays or for a few days to lose weight so that just enough to fasten the festive dress. Consider the best diets, telling how to lose weight in each of these cases.

Myths about diets

To begin with, let's briefly consider the main misconceptions that may prevent you from gaining the right weight.

The best diet of stars - work 100% and give good result.

It is a myth. Do not confuse the diet of stars and their diet! As a rule, they generally eat very restrainedly and correctly, and they need diets only for emergency preparation of the body for filming or performing, or as restoration after a holiday of the abdomen.

There are better diets for the abdomen, legs or hands that allow you to lose weight locally.

It is a myth. The fat burning takes place according to the type that is inherent in you genetically, and the diet has nothing to do with it. Locally burn fat is impossible - otherwise everyone would have long ago already learned to lose weight, without losing at the same time in the volume of the breast. You can only additionally contribute to losing weight by exercises that will help tighten the body and give a good visual effect.

Short diets allow you to achieve lasting results.

It is a myth. Short diets allow you to eliminate the contents of the intestine and fluid, and not fat, why when you return to normal nutrition you immediately dial back.

Soberly look at losing weight and do not waste time on what will not give the desired result. It is better to go straight on the long path, but get what you really need.

Best diet for weight loss: long, but forever

In order to once and for all to part with excess weight, it is necessary to postpone the burning of each kilogram for 1 week. Eating on the proposed system can be constantly, because it is consistent with the principles of healthy eating. Have supper no later than 3 hours before bedtime, do not drink after eating. In addition, you must give up flour, fatty and sweet. The diet will be as follows:

Option 1

  1. Breakfast - a couple of boiled eggs, cabbage salad, tea without sugar.
  2. Dinner - any soup, a piece of grain bread.
  3. Afternoon snack - a glass of yogurt.
  4. Dinner - fish baked with vegetables in foil.

Option 2

  1. Breakfast - oatmeal with dried fruits, tea without sugar.
  2. Lunch - any soup-puree, salad from sea kale or fresh vegetables.
  3. Snack - any fruit.
  4. Dinner - vegetable stew with beef or chicken.

Eating so can be indefinitely long, and it will not cause harm to the body. In addition, you can drink water, and for breakfast sometimes allow yourself yoghurts, fruit desserts and other sweets.

The best diet for fast growing thin

In order to lose about 3 kg in 3-5 days, you need a strict diet. This is necessary for "cleaning" the body after the holidays, and to prepare the figure for an important event. To take a great interest in such diets it is not necessary, as they plunge an organism into stress and force it to lower a metabolism.

The mono-kits are best for this - diets, during which only 1 or a maximum of 2 products are allowed. Variants of the diet for 1 day (the diet can be repeated 3-5 days):

  1. For a day - 1 liter of 1% kefir, 2-3 apples.
  2. For a day - 1 kg. cucumbers, half a lemon and a teaspoon of oil for refueling.
  3. For a day - 3 cups of boiled buckwheat.
  4. For a day - unlimited Peking cabbage .
  5. For a day - 2 packs of fat-free cottage cheese and 2 glasses of 1% kefir.

Choose one of the suggested diets and repeat it 3-5 days until you achieve the desired results. If desired, the diet can be changed - 1 day cucumber, the other - kefir, etc. This will allow you to easily get rid of a few kilograms for a while.