Diet for the stomach

The fact that our food is not too balanced, we remember only when its effects have already manifested itself. Pain, heaviness in the stomach, nausea, heartburn, eructation - this is only a minimal list of what our menu leads to. The first thing that will fix your upset digestion is, it's not a miracle pill, but a diet for the stomach.

What not to eat?

In this case, if the stomach hurts, it is better to start our diet with inhibitions. Under the ban enter products that irritate our already not very healthy mucosa of the esophagus:

In addition, you should exclude kvass and beer, since these are fermentation products and wander they will continue in your weakened stomach.

Refuse these products, they will not bring you gastronomic pleasures now.

What is?

So, now about a useful diet for the stomach.

The food you eat should be a moderately warm, enveloping, rubbed or easily digestible consistency. Do not also use seasonings. Eat more protein, it helps restore the cells of the mucosa. Diet for stomach treatment should include the following products:

The minimum number of meals is 3, but it is better that your meals are more frequent - 5-6 times a day. Also it will be useful for you to accustom yourself to fractional food, for example: ate boiled meat, and after two hours boiled potatoes in a uniform.