Effective diets for 7 days

To date, we know a lot of methods of weight loss, many of which have long been proven effective. Experts do not recommend giving preference to strict diets, as they can only give a short-term result, while significantly harming health. If you want to get rid of a few extra pounds before a critical event, then it is better to give preference to an effective diet for 7 days. There are several different methods, among which everyone will have the opportunity to choose the most suitable option for themselves.

Beet Diet for 7 days

The composition of beets includes many useful substances that contribute to weight loss. For example, betaine normalizes fat metabolism, and fiber cleanses the body and improves the digestive system. The basic principle of such a diet - the amount of incoming calories should be less than consumed. Beets can be used in any form and even prepare juice. The diet requires three meals a day, the rejection of high-calorie foods and consumption of at least 1.5 liters of water. The diet should be built from meat, fish, fruits, vegetables, cereals, fermented milk products and unsweetened tea and coffee . Half an hour before a meal you need to drink 1 tbsp. beet juice, which can be diluted with orange juice, carrot and apple juice.

The menu of this unloading diet for 7 days may look like this:

Pearl diet for 7 days

Kasha is considered an ideal dish for weight loss. Many people undeservedly refuse the pearl barley, considering it a heavy product. This groats are very useful for the body, for example, it contains fibers that allow you to feel full for a long time and cleanse the body of harmful substances.

For this diet, you need to pour the rump in the evening with warm water and leave for the night, and in the morning cook for an hour. Do not use salt and oil. It is important to consider that the volume of porridge will increase about 5 times. The menu is very meager, because you can only eat porridge. Drink normal water and tea without sugar.

Banana diet for 7 days

Despite the fact that the banana is a sweet fruit, according to British scientists, they can be used as a basis for a diet. Experts believe that just a week you can get rid of a few pounds, while improving your health. Yellow fruits have a slight laxative and diuretic effect, which allows to improve the work of the intestine. Before the diet is recommended to abandon the use of harmful products, and the day before losing weight, drink only green tea.

The banana diet is considered tough, as only bananas can be eaten daily and not more than 1.5 kg. You can also include a boiled egg in the menu and drink green tea.

Grapefruit diet for 7 days

This citrus is recognized as one of the most effective fat burners. Grapefruit helps to improve digestion, metabolism and strengthen immunity. This version of the diet is not strict, because the menu can include many different products: lean meat and fish, vegetables, eggs and cottage cheese. You can drink water, tea and coffee. Cooking is best for a couple or boil. Eat three meals a day, avoiding snacks. The last meal is not later than seven in the evening. The menu should be designed so that most of the food on the plate was in the morning. Each meal should include half a grapefruit.

Finally I would like to say that before starting weight loss you should consult a doctor to avoid negative consequences. To the weight does not come back, after a diet to switch to the right food.