Monodiet for 3 days

Monodiet is a variant of a rigid diet, during which it is permitted, there is only one chosen product. Continue this diet is not recommended for more than 3 days, because a sharp reduction in caloric intake and reduced intake of nutrients are a serious stress for the body and can cause a drop in immunity and exacerbation of many chronic diseases. In addition, a long "sitting" on hard diets reduces the metabolic rate, and getting rid of excess fat reserves will be more difficult every day. Therefore, a mono-diet should be considered as an emergency way to lose weight by 2-3 kilograms, but not as a constant diet.

There are many options for mono-diet:

In general, in choosing a product for a diet, you should rely, first of all, on your taste preferences. If the basis for a mono-diet is one of your favorite products, then such a diet and psychologically will be much easier to transfer and the results will not disappoint. Here are the most popular types of mono-diet.

Buckwheat mono-diet for 3 days

1st option:

Buckwheat strewed with boiling water and left overnight. Buckwheat does not brew. Prepared in this way, the porridge is consumed all 3 days, without spices and salt. In addition, you can drink 1% kefir and water without gas.

2nd option:

Boil buckwheat porridge in water without oil, spices and salt. Use 5 times a day in small portions. You can drink water without gas and fat-free kefir.

Kefir mono-diet for 3 days

1.5 liters of fresh kefir to drink for 5-6 meals, at regular intervals, you can add 0.5 kg of fresh fruit or berries.

Non-carbonated water - without restrictions.

How to prepare for a mono-diet?

If you decide to use a mono-diet, then you need to prepare to reduce stress for the body and increase its effectiveness:

  1. For 1-2 days slightly reduce the caloric content of the diet.
  2. Remove from your menu fatty, fried, flour and sweets.
  3. Include in your diet before the diet products such as oatmeal, light soups, Baked vegetables, low-fat boiled or baked meat.

How to get out of the diet?

It is also necessary to get out of the diet, otherwise you will not only be returned all the weight dropped, but also bring with them "friends":

  1. The first two days - light soups, broths, vegetables.
  2. Then gradually return to the usual diet.
  3. To fix the result, it is recommended that you regularly arrange yourself unloading days - a one-day version of a mono-diet (not more often than once a week).