Unloading days for weight loss

Not every woman has enough willpower for a long time - a week, two or a month - to observe a certain diet, associated with severe restrictions. But to suffer 1-2 days a week is much easier! That is why weight-loss days for weight loss are very popular. However, if there is everything in a row on other days, to lose weight on them is quite difficult - for those who are used to eating a lot, it is rather a way to maintain weight.

The Benefits of Unloading Days

Unloading days are named so because at this time you are depriving your body of the usual load like heavy multicomponent and not always the right food and give it a light diet, through which you clear your gastrointestinal tract.

Thus, your body gets a shake and the effect of losing weight, but does not have time to slow down the metabolism and reduce the rate of weight loss, as is usually the case with prolonged diets.

How to arrange a fasting day?

Unloading days usually arrange 1-2 times a week, but not in a row: i.e. it can be Tuesday and Friday, but not Tuesday and Wednesday. For each of these days, choose a diet, usually it is a mono-diet (a diet during which it is allowed to use only one product). Most often, the best days of unloading are spent on yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese, apples, chicken breasts, cucumbers and other products with low caloric content and more or less neutral taste.

In the question of how to spend a day off, it is important to choose the right time: there should not be a party, a visit to a hotel or a cafe, where there is a risk to depart from the scheduled schedule. In addition, the fasting day should not be too active, because otherwise there is a risk of failure.

Lose weight on fasting days is possible only if you hold them regularly 2 times a week and, in addition, constantly adhere to proper nutrition on other days. That is, eating sweet is very limited, choose the right combination of foods: more vegetables and low-fat meat.

General rules, how to spend unloading days, include the following items:

As you can see, there are no difficulties in the diet of fasting days. The main thing is not to forget to arrange them!

Unloading days for weight loss

Unloading days can be different. Let's analyze several options:

  1. Chocolate unloading day. This name is very attractive to women. However, this day does not mean that you will overeat with chocolate and lose weight from it. You can eat only 70-80 grams of bitter chocolate for the whole day. In addition, only coffee and green tea without sugar with low-fat milk are allowed. These drinks can be drunk indefinitely. If you have a weak heart, this method is not for you!
  2. The most effective unloading day. Such a fasting day is drinking. And you need to drink milk. You probably heard about this drink. He has many options for cooking. The easiest way is to just add a little (up to 50 ml) of milk not more than 2.5% fat in a mug of green tea. This drink should be drunk whenever you want to eat. It will take about 1.5 kilograms of weight, and you will not have a feeling of hunger.
  3. Kefir unloading day. For a day you need to drink only 1% kefir - it's better if you drink it no more than 1.5 liters.
  4. Grapefruit unloading day. Grapefruit burns fat perfectly, and if you eat 5-6 fruits a day, you will lose weight badly.

Unloading can be arranged on almost any vegetable and fruit. Choose your taste and bring your figure in order with pleasure!