Balkar Khychyna

Balkarian khychin are thin cakes that can be filled with a wide variety of fillings: from chopped greens, to a mixture of cheeses and potatoes. Such cakes can be cooked and eat instead of bread or served as an independent dish for a meal at any time of the day.

Balkar Khychin - recipe

A thin roll is both a virtue and a disadvantage of a dish, since it is not the first time that you get used to making a thin flat cake without breaking through the dough from an inexperienced mistress.



Pick the flour and mix it with warm water. Ready-made dough for Balkar Khychin leave to lie down for half an hour, and for the simple filling, consisting of chopped onions and crumbled cheese. Divide the dough into six pieces, each roll into a small flat cake, place a portion of the filling on top and join the edges together. Turn the cake down with the seam and start smoothly and gently rolling, moving from the center to the periphery. Choose a frying pan of the appropriate size and heat it. Place the tortillas in a hot pan and brown on both sides.

Recipe for Balkar hutchins with cheese and potatoes


For the test:

For filling:


Before you cook Balkar Khychin, salt the flour and pour into it a mixture of yogurt and vegetable oil. Leave the dough to rest, and yourself take hold of the potato stuffing. If you have ready mashed potatoes at hand - use it, otherwise boil the potato tubers and mash them with a little salt. Add the onion, hot pepper and grated cheese to the potatoes. Cheese use any, to your taste and discretion.

Roll out the dough, lay out the filling on top, collect the edges together, turn the pouch smooth side up and re-roll to the original size. Fry Balkar hutchins with potatoes and cheese in a dry and well-heated frying pan. Separate them fourfold before serving.