Beef liver - useful properties

Beef liver is a valuable by-product, from which often make various salads, pates, snacks and fillings for culinary dishes. It should be noted that beef liver has a lot of useful properties, which should be told in more detail.

Is it useful to eat beef liver?

  1. The liver contains thiamine, an antioxidant that optimizes brain function and protects the body from the bad effects of nicotine and alcohol. Therefore, the liver will benefit people who can not cope with bad habits.
  2. People with the presence of diseases of the cardiovascular system are also very useful to use the liver. The product includes chromium and heparin. These elements have the property of regulating blood coagulability. They prevent the development of blood clots.
  3. The liver is very useful for people with anemia. It contains heme iron (which is part of the hemoglobin of the blood). It should be noted that the liver has a lot of vitamin C and copper. They contribute to the complete assimilation of iron.
  4. Beef liver consists of many amino acids, vitamins and useful elements. Thanks to vitamin A, eyesight, mental activity and normal kidney function are improving. Also it favorably affects the nervous system and rejuvenates the skin, strengthens the hair, teeth and nails.
  5. Beef liver is a real treasure trove of nutrients. It includes vitamins C , D and calcium, which are very useful in osteoporosis. They contribute to strengthening the musculoskeletal system.
  6. Due to keratin, the product increases the resistance of the human body to heavy training, regular physical activity, which is very important both for professional athletes and for people leading an active lifestyle.
  7. The product is recommended to pregnant women, because it is rich in folic acid, which supports the immune system of both mother and fetus.

Nutritional value of beef liver

100 g of the product contains 125 kcal, 3 g of fat, 20 g of proteins and 3 g of carbohydrates.


When asked about the usefulness of beef liver, you can give an unambiguous answer - yes. But some people are advised to use the product very carefully. This applies to people of age who can not be abused by keratin. Also, the liver is undesirable to people with high cholesterol in the blood - 100 grams of the product contains 270 mg of cholesterol, which is quite a lot.