Portable refrigerator

More recently, it was only necessary to dream of enjoying cool drinks in nature, but with the advent of portable refrigerators, picnicking lovers in nature, traveling, fishing and hunting were given such an opportunity, and also began to be not afraid to take with them perishable food. About the types of these devices should be learned more closely.

Types of portable cooling devices:

Bags and containers

By the principle of action, they are very similar. Thermal bags are made of strong fabric and are made with double walls, between which a heat-insulating layer is laid, made, as a rule, of polyethylene foam. In fact - a portable refrigerator-thermos, designed to keep the temperature of food, so it can be used not only to maintain the cold, but also heat. On average, it maintains the temperature for 10 hours. The capacity varies, ranging from 3 liters to 70 liters. Portable cooler bag is very compact and can be folded and removed as unnecessary.

Thermal containers have a solid frame, which can be made of plastic, stainless steel, etc. Its walls are thicker, and therefore the thermal insulation properties are higher. They keep the original temperature of drinks and dishes up to 15 hours. Containers are equipped with a convenient and durable carrying handle, and they can be used not only as a table, but also as a chair.

Auto-refrigerators and other models

Portable mini-refrigerators for cars are connected to a 12-volt power grid. And they consume about the same amount of energy as a single passing bulb. In the design of the device there are two-sided thermoelectric plates. When an electric current passes through them, the inner side of the plates cools, and the chamber with the products is cooled. On sale it is possible to find models and with the heating function, which provides a change in the polarity of the voltage. Thermoelectric auto-refrigerator is not able to freeze food, but it works a little longer than two of its counterparts. I must say that the operating time of all the three devices described above can be extended by using cold accumulators - plastic containers with saline, previously frozen solution.

Really freezing is capable of gas-electric or absorption small portable refrigerators. The role of the refrigerant in such models is played by a solution of ammonia. Its circulation by a special scheme provides an electric or gas heater, as well as the ability of water to absorb ammonia. So, a bottle with butane or propane of 5 liters capacity is able to provide the refrigerator for up to 8 days, but they can also function from electricity. Compressor units can already be compared to conventional refrigerators, since the compressor is responsible for the circulation of the refrigerant. They are economical and cool the products fairly quickly, but such a portable beer cooler is sensitive to shocks and vibrations.

Nuances of operation

Speaking about cold storage batteries, it's worth noting that they come in different volumes, depending on the capacity of the bag or container itself. The concentration inside the salt solution, which correlates with the "serviced" battery, can also be different. Thus, a 300-ml battery can maintain the temperature of 10 liters of food and beverages, and for a larger bag, you need to buy larger batteries. Manufacturers recommend using the entire working volume of the refrigerator.