Cucumber sauce

Cucumbers can become not only a component of vegetable slicing or salad. From them you can cook a deliciously tasty cucumber sauce. Moreover, the recipes of such snacks can vary dramatically, as, for example, in our case. Next, we will offer a version of the sauce from cucumbers for the winter, as well as a recipe for supplementing meat with garlic instead of mayonnaise.

How to cook cucumber sauce - a recipe for winter



To prepare this sauce, you can take not only young cucumbers, but also overgrown specimens, only in this case it is necessary to peel them from the peel and seeds. We grind the prepared vegetable through a medium grater and place in a strainer or colander over a bowl or pan in order to stack the juice. You can even help the cucumber mass, a little pressing the moisture a little with your hands.

While the cucumbers are in the sieve, prepare the other ingredients for the sauce. We clean the stalks of celery and we interrupt them in the blender vessels. In the same manner, we refine in turn peeled bulbs, and also sweet and sharp peppers. We connect all the vegetables and cucumber in a bowl, add the salt, mix and then place it in a sieve over the bowl, having drained the pure cucumber juice. The latter can be frozen and used for cosmetic purposes or instead of taking water for cooking the marinade for the sauce.

Vegetable mass should drain at least six hours, or you can leave it in a sieve at night. After a lapse of time, we prepare marinade from water or cucumber juice, sugar and two kinds of mustard, warming the mixture to a boil, and laying a vegetable mass in it. After repeated boiling, cook the sauce for five to seven minutes, after which we spread it on dry and sterile jars, sealed with sterile lids and placed under a "coat" for natural self-sterilization and slow cooling.

Cucumber sauce with garlic to meat instead of mayonnaise



Prepare a cucumber sauce for meat instead of mayonnaise is extremely simple and quick. To do this, we rub the washed cucumber on the grater and squeeze the juice. To the cucumber mass we add soft cream cheese, squeezed garlic cloves, sour cream, dill, and salt and pepper to taste. We mix the ingredients carefully and give them ten minutes to stand.